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Worksheet Properties

A worksheet in a workbook.
Name Description
ActiveView Provides access to an object that contains options to display and print a worksheet.
ArrayFormulas Obtains a collection of legacy array formulas in a current worksheet.
AutoFilter Provides access to an object that contains options to filter data in a worksheet.
Cells Provides access to the collection of all cells contained in the worksheet.
Charts Provides access to a collection of charts in a worksheet.
CodeName Gets or sets the worksheet’s code name.
Columns Returns the collection of all columns in a worksheet.
Comments Retrieves a collection of simple notes (legacy comments) contained in a worksheet.
Comparers Provides access to default comparers used to sort cell values in ascending and descending order.
ConditionalFormattings Provides access to the collection of all conditional formatting rules on a worksheet.
CustomCellInplaceEditors Provides access to the collection of the custom in-place editors embedded into worksheet cells.
DataBindings Provides access to the collection of WorksheetDataBinding objects.
DataValidations Provides access to a collection of DataValidation objects for the worksheet.
DefaultColumnWidth Gets or sets the default column width in units of measurement used in the workbook.
DefaultColumnWidthInCharacters Gets or sets the default column width in characters of the default font specified by the built-in Normal style.
DefaultColumnWidthInPixels Gets or sets the default column width in pixels.
DefaultRowHeight Gets or sets the default height of worksheet rows.
DefinedNames Gets the collection of defined names whose scope is the current worksheet.
DynamicArrayFormulas Obtains a collection of dynamic array formulas in a current worksheet.
FormControls Obtains a collection of form controls contained in a worksheet.
HasData Checks whether the current worksheet contains data.
HeaderFooterOptions Provides access to header and footer options for a worksheet.
HorizontalPageBreaks Provides access to a collection of row page breaks in the worksheet.
Hyperlinks Provides access to the collection of hyperlinks contained in the worksheet.
Id Returns the sheet’s unique identifier. Inherited from Sheet.
IgnoredErrors Provides access to ranges and error types which are ignored in those ranges.
Index Gets the worksheet index within the workbook’s WorksheetCollection collection.
IsProtected Gets whether the worksheet is protected.
Item[Int32, Int32] Provides access to an individual cell by indexes of a row and column containing this cell.
Item[String] Provides access to a cell range by its reference string.
Name Gets or sets the name of the worksheet .
OutlineOptions Provides access to the group settings that control the summary row and column location.
Pictures Provides access to a collection of pictures in a worksheet.
PivotTables Provides access to the collection of pivot tables in a worksheet.
PrintOptions Provides access to options that control how the worksheet is printed.
ProtectedRanges Provides access to a collection of protected ranges in a current worksheet.
Range Provides access to the range of cells in the worksheet.
Rows Returns the collection of all rows in a worksheet.
SelectedCell Gets or sets an active cell in the worksheet.
SelectedChart Gets or sets the chart selected in a worksheet.
SelectedComment Gets or sets a comment selected in a worksheet.
SelectedPicture Gets or sets a picture selected in the worksheet.
SelectedShape Gets or sets a shape selected in the worksheet.
Selection Gets or sets a cell range selected in the worksheet.
Shapes Provides access to a collection of drawing objects (shapes, pictures, and charts) in a worksheet.
SheetType Returns the type of the sheet. Inherited from Sheet.
SparklineGroups Provides access to a collection of sparkline groups in a worksheet.
SplitLeftPosition Gets the index of the leftmost column in the bottom right pane when panes are frozen.
SplitTopPosition Gets the index of the topmost row in the bottom right pane when panes are frozen.
Tables Provides access to the collection of tables contained in the worksheet.
Tag Gets or sets the data associated with a Worksheet object.
ThreadedComments Obtains a collection of threaded comments.
VerticalPageBreaks Provides access to a collection of column page breaks in the worksheet.
VisibilityType Gets or sets whether the current worksheet is visible, hidden or “very hidden”.
Visible Gets or sets whether the current worksheet is visible or hidden.
Workbook Gets a workbook that contains the current worksheet.
See Also