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DXCollectionView.FilteringContext Property

Returns the data context that is used to bind filter items to the Collection View.

Namespace: DevExpress.Maui.CollectionView

Assembly: DevExpress.Maui.CollectionView.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Maui.CollectionView


public FilteringUIContext FilteringContext { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

A context that is used to connect the data control and filter items.


The DevExpress suite for MAUI allows you to use built-in filter items to design a functional and effective filtering UI. You can easily integrate such a UI with the CollectionView, because it publishes a dedicated FilteringContext property. When you populate a filter view with items, bind each item’s Context property to the CollectionView’s FilteringContext. Once users have interacted with the items, the resulting filter rule is available in the FilterExpression property.

DevExpress Filtering UI

Filter Items

Filter items are separate controls within your application that automatically retrieve available values, format settings, and other information from the bound control – CollectionView. The following filter items are available:


FilterCheckItem – Allows users to use a checkbox to filter by Boolean values.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Check editor


FilterSwitchItem – Allows users to use a switch to filter by Boolean values.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Switch editor

Chips with Single Selection

FilterChipGroupItem – Allows users to select a single option from a set.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Chip group

Chips with Multiple Selection

FilterCheckedChipGroupItem – Allows users to check multiple options from a set.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Checked chip group

Predefined Chips with Multiple Selection

PredefinedFilterCheckedChipGroupItem – Allows users to check multiple predefined options from a set.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Predefined checked chip group

Date Range Editor

FilterDateRangeItem – Allows users to filter by date-time values.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Date range editor

Numeric Range Editor

FilterNumericRangeItem – Allows users to specify a value range to filter numeric values.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Range editor

Numeric Range Slider

FilterNumericRangeSliderItem – Allows users to select a value range to filter numeric values.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Range slider

List with Single Selection Using Radio Buttons

FilterRadioListItem – Allows users to select a single option from a radio-button list. Users can enter a search query in the search box to filter available options.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Filter list

List with Multiple Selection Using Check Boxes

FilterCheckedListItem – Allows users to select multiple options from a checkbox list. Users can enter a search query in the search box to filter available options.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Checked filter list

Dialog List with Single Selection Using Radio Buttons

FilterRadioListPickerItem – Allows users to select a single option from a list shown in a separate dialog. Users can enter a search query in the search box to filter available options.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - List form item

Dialog List with Multiple Selection Using Check Boxes

FilterCheckedListPickerItem – Allows users to select multiple options from a list shown in a separate dialog. Users can enter a search query in the search box to filter available options.

DevExpress Filtering UI for MAUI - Checked list form item

Custom Filter Item

You can customize the value picker used in a built-in filter item. Depending on the filter item, use the following properties to implement a custom picker:


The following example shows how to design a filtering UI for a DXCollectionView. You need to populate a view with filter items and set their Context properties to the collection view’s FilteringContext. For each filter item, specify the FilterItemBase.FieldName property so that an item can obtain its values from the corresponding data field.

DevExpress Filtering UI

    <!-- The BindingContext contains the DXCollectionView.FilteringContext property value -->
    <dxe:FilterRadioListPickerItem Context="{Binding}" FieldName="City" ImageSource="filteringui_location" ImageColor="{DynamicResource AccentColor}"/>
    <dxe:FilterChipGroupItem Context="{Binding}" Text="Property Status" FieldName="Status" CustomDisplayText="OnCustomDisplayText"/>
    <dxe:FilterCheckedChipGroupItem Context="{Binding}" Text="Property Type" FieldName="Type" CustomDisplayText="OnCustomDisplayText"/>
    <dxe:FilterNumericRangeFormItem Context="{Binding}" Text="Price" FieldName="Price2"/>
    <dxe:FilterNumericRangeFormItem Context="{Binding}" Text="Square Feet" FieldName="HouseSize"/>
    <dxe:FilterCheckedChipGroupItem Context="{Binding}" Text="Bedrooms" FieldName="Beds"/>
    <dxe:FilterNumericRangeFormItem Context="{Binding}" Text="Year Built" FieldName="YearBuilt"/>
    <dxe:FilterCheckItem Context="{Binding}" Text="Must have garage" FieldName="IsGarageExist"/>
See Also