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FormatConditionRangeGradient Constructors

A format condition used to apply formatting using value ranges and a specified color gradient.
Name Parameters Description
FormatConditionRangeGradient() none Initializes a new instance of the FormatConditionRangeGradient class.
FormatConditionRangeGradient(FormatConditionRangeGradientPredefinedType) type Initializes a new instance of the FormatConditionRangeGradient class.
FormatConditionRangeGradient(StyleSettingsBase, StyleSettingsBase, Int32) startStyle, endStyle, segmentCount Initializes a new instance of the FormatConditionRangeGradient class.
FormatConditionRangeGradient(StyleSettingsBase, StyleSettingsBase, Object[]) startStyle, endStyle, values Initializes a new instance of the FormatConditionRangeGradient class.
See Also