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DashboardLayoutTabPage(DashboardLayoutGroupOrientation, DashboardTabPage, DashboardLayoutNode[]) Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the DashboardLayoutTabPage class with the specified orientation for the specified dashboard item containing the specified layout nodes.

Namespace: DevExpress.DashboardCommon

Assembly: DevExpress.Dashboard.v24.2.Core.dll


public DashboardLayoutTabPage(
    DashboardLayoutGroupOrientation orientation,
    DashboardTabPage page,
    params DashboardLayoutNode[] items


Name Type Description
orientation DashboardLayoutGroupOrientation

A DevExpress.DashboardCommon.DashboardLayoutGroupOrientation enumeration member that specifies how the dashboard layout items are arranged.

page DashboardTabPage

A DashboardTabPage instance that is the tab page in the dashboard object model.

items DashboardLayoutNode[]

An array of DashboardLayoutNode descendants that specify child layout items and groups.

See Also