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DashboardLayoutTabContainer Members

A layout tab container used to arrange layout tab pages within a dashboard.


Name Description
DashboardLayoutTabContainer() Initializes a new instance of the DashboardLayoutTabContainer class.
DashboardLayoutTabContainer(TabContainerDashboardItem, Double, DashboardLayoutTabPage[]) Initializes a new instance of the DashboardLayoutTabContainer class with the specified weight for the specified dashboard tab container .
DashboardLayoutTabContainer(TabContainerDashboardItem) Initializes a new instance of the DashboardLayoutTabContainer class for the specified dashboard tab container.

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Name Description
DefaultOrientation static For internal use. Inherited from DashboardLayoutGroup.

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Name Description
ChildNodes Provides access to the collection of child layout groups and items. Inherited from DashboardLayoutGroup.
DashboardItem Gets the dashboard item/group which is displayed in the current layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
Orientation Gets or sets the value specifying the orientation of layout items/groups within the group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutGroup.
Parent Gets the immediate parent layout group to which the current layout item/group belongs. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
Root Gets the root layout item/group to which the current layout item/group belongs. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
Weight Gets or sets the relative size of the layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.

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Name Description
ContainsRecursive(DashboardItem) Indicates whether the subtree of the current layout group contains the layout item that displays the specified dashboard item. Inherited from DashboardLayoutGroup.
ContainsRecursive(DashboardLayoutNode) Indicates whether the subtree of the current layout group contains the specified layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutGroup.
ContainsRecursive(DashboardTabPage) Indicates whether the subtree of the current layout group contains the specified layout tab page. Inherited from DashboardLayoutGroup.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
FindRecursive(DashboardItem) Searches the layout tree recursively and returns the layout item for the specified dashboard item. Inherited from DashboardLayoutGroup.
FindRecursive(DashboardItemGroup) Searches the layout tree recursively and returns the layout group for the specified dashboard item group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutGroup.
FindRecursive(DashboardTabPage) Searches the layout tree recursively and returns the layout tab page for the specified dashboard tab page. Inherited from DashboardLayoutGroup.
FindRecursive(TabContainerDashboardItem) Returns the layout tab container for the specified dashboard tab container item. Inherited from DashboardLayoutGroup.
GetDashboardItemsRecursive() Returns the collection of layout items from the current layout group’s subtree. Inherited from DashboardLayoutGroup.
GetGroupsRecursive() Returns the collection of layout groups from the current layout group’s subtree. Inherited from DashboardLayoutGroup.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetItemsRecursive() Returns the collection of layout items from the current layout group’s subtree. Inherited from DashboardLayoutGroup.
GetNodesRecursive() Returns the collection of layout items and groups from the current layout group’s subtree. Inherited from DashboardLayoutGroup.
GetTabContainersRecursive() Returns the collection of layout tab container from the current layout group’s subtree. Inherited from DashboardLayoutGroup.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
InsertAbove(DashboardItem) Inserts the layout item displaying the specified dashboard item above the current layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
InsertAbove(DashboardLayoutNode) Inserts the specified layout item/group above the current layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
InsertBelow(DashboardItem) Inserts the layout item displaying the specified dashboard item below the current layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
InsertBelow(DashboardLayoutNode) Inserts the specified layout item/group below the current layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
InsertLeft(DashboardItem) Inserts the layout item displaying the specified dashboard item to the left of the current layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
InsertLeft(DashboardLayoutNode) Inserts the specified layout item/group to the left of the current layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
InsertRight(DashboardItem) Inserts the layout item displaying the specified dashboard item to the right of the current layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
InsertRight(DashboardLayoutNode) Inserts the specified layout item/group to the right of the current layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MoveAbove(DashboardLayoutNode, Double) Moves the current layout item/group above the specified layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
MoveAbove(DashboardLayoutNode) Moves the current layout item/group above the specified layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
MoveBelow(DashboardLayoutNode, Double) Moves the current layout item/group below the specified layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
MoveBelow(DashboardLayoutNode) Moves the current layout item/group below the specified layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
MoveLeft(DashboardLayoutNode, Double) Moves the current layout item/group to the left of the specified layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
MoveLeft(DashboardLayoutNode) Moves the current layout item/group to the left of the specified layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
MoveRight(DashboardLayoutNode, Double) Moves the current layout item/group to the right of the specified layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
MoveRight(DashboardLayoutNode) Moves the current layout item/group to the right of the specified layout item/group. Inherited from DashboardLayoutNode.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RemoveRecursive(DashboardItem) Removes the layout item displaying the specified dashboard item from the layout group’s subtree. Inherited from DashboardLayoutGroup.
RemoveRecursive(DashboardLayoutNode) Removes the specified layout item/group from the layout group’s subtree. Inherited from DashboardLayoutGroup.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also