Dashboard Events
Contains the full description of a dashboard used to visualize data.Name | Description |
ConfigureDataConnection | Allows you to customize connection settings before the connection to a data store (database, OLAP cube, etc.) is established. |
ConnectionError | Allows users to override the default behavior if data store connection fails with current connection parameters. |
CustomAssemblyLoading | Occurs before a custom assembly is loaded for use as a DashboardEFDataSource. |
CustomFilterExpression | Allows you to include WHERE clauses into DashboardSqlDataSource queries. |
CustomParameters | Occurs before data is loaded from the data store and allows you to customize dashboard parameters that are used for data processing. |
DashboardLoading | Occurs when the Dashboard Designer or Dashboard Viewer loads a dashboard. |
DataLoading | Allows you to provide data for the DashboardObjectDataSource. |
DataLoadingError | Allows you to suppress the form containing errors that occur during data loading. |
DataSourceCollectionChanged | Occurs after the collection of data sources has been changed. |
Disposed | Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component. |
GroupCollectionChanged | Occurs after the collection of dashboard item groups is changed. |
ItemCollectionChanged | Occurs after the collection of dashboard items has been changed. |
OptionsChanged | Occurs after any option in the current Dashboard is changed. |
ParameterCollectionChanged | Occurs after the collection of dashboard parameters has been changed. |
ValidateCustomSqlQuery | Provides the capability to check the validity of the custom SQL query used to supply the dashboard with data. |
See Also