CompatibilitySettings Properties
Provides access to compatibility settings.Name | Description |
AllowAccessibilityAlerts static | Gets or sets whether to enable UI Automation-based accessibility alerts for validation errors. |
AllowEditTextExpressionInFormatRule static | Gets or sets whether users can edit a format condition’s expression text. |
AllowEditValueBindingInInplaceEditors static | Gets or sets whether the GridControl’s logic of getting/setting the editor’s value is enabled. |
AllowGlyphRunRenderingInInplaceEditors static | Gets or sets whether to use the GlyphRun engine to render text in cell editors. |
AllowInfiniteGridSize static | |
AllowLookupGridFiltering static | Gets or sets whether to allow users to filter grid values in the Drop-down Filter and Filter Editor when the GridControl is in the LookUpEdit. |
AllowRecyclingRibbonItems static | Gets or sets whether ribbon controls should attempt to re-use existing link control (LightweightBarItemLinkControl, BarButtonItemLinkControl, BarCheckItemLinkControl, and so on) objects to enhance merging performance. |
AllowThemePreload static | Gets or sets whether to enable the legacy Theme Preload. |
AlwaysUseLegacyColumnChooser static | Gets or sets whether to display the Column Chooser in the legacy window. |
AlwaysUseLegacySummaryEditor static | Gets or sets whether to display the Runtime Summary Editor in the legacy window. |
CompatibilityMode static | Gets or sets the controls’ compatibility mode. |
ConvertOccurrenceToNormalWhenDragBetweenResources static | Specifies whether a recurring appointment is converted to a normal appointment when an end-user drags and drops it to another resource. |
DXBindingResolvingMode static | Gets or sets a value that specifies how the DXBinding (DXEvent, DXCommand) markup extensions resolve input expressions. |
EnableDPICorrection static | Gets or sets whether to enable DPI correction to improve layout rendering. |
EnableLayoutItemAutomationPeerLabeledByCalculation static | |
HideCalendarButtonInDateNavigationPanel static | Gets or sets whether to hide the Calendar Button from the Date Navigation Panel. |
HideInsignificantPartsOnlyInTimeSpanMask static | Gets or sets whether TimeSpan masks should hide optional segments. |
LegacyDefaultTheme static | Specifies a legacy default theme which the application should use. |
MakeGetWindowReturnActualFloatPanelWindow static | Gets or sets whether the Window.GetWindow() method should return the floating window’s position in relation to the main window’s position (where the DockLayoutManager manager is placed). |
MaskUpdateSelectionOnMouseUp static | Gets or sets whether editors should automatically update their selection to highlight a selected mask part that a user can edit. |
PivotGridDisableBatchUpdate static | Specifies whether to update the PivotGridControl in a single batch during the data source synchronization. |
PrioritizeIListSourceInDiagramDataBinding static | Specifies whether the DiagramControl’s data binding engine prioritizes the IListSource interface over the IEnumerable. |
RenderPDFPageContentWithDirectX static | Gets or sets whether to render page content with DirectX. |
SchedulerAppearanceStyle static | Gets or sets the SchedulerControl UI style. |
ShowSchedulerDateNavigationPanel static | Specifies whether to display the Date Navigation Panel by default. |
TrackBarEditIsMoveToPointEnabled static | Gets or sets whether TrackBarEdit should increment or decrement its value when a user clicked a line next to the thumb. |
UseDateNavigatorInDateEdit static | Specifies whether to use the DateNavigator control to render the DateEdit‘s dropdown window. |
UseFriendlyDateRangePresentation static | Gets or sets whether the Between Dates and On Dates date operators are used. |
UseLegacyCalendarInDateNavigator static | Gets or sets whether the legacy calendar is used in the DateNavigator. |
UseLegacyColumnFilterPopup static | Gets or sets whether the legacy drop-down filter is used. |
UseLegacyDeleteButtonInButtonEdit static | Gets or sets whether to use the legacy Null Value button in the ButtonEdit editor and its descendants. |
UseLegacyDXMessageBox static | Gets or sets whether DevExpress WPF Controls display their messages in the legacy message box. |
UseLegacyFilterEditor static | Gets or sets whether the legacy filter editor is used. |
UseLegacyFilterPanel static | Gets or sets whether to use the legacy filter panel. |
UseLegacyQueryIntervalCalculation static | Specifies whether to calculate QueryStart and QueryEnd individually for each SchedulerControl‘s occurrence. |
UseLegacySchedulerCellDecoration static | Specifies whether to use decoration panels to draw the SchedulerControl‘s elements. |
UseLegacySchedulerTimelineViewMode static | Specifies whether to revert to the legacy Timeline view. |
UseLegacyWindowForRibbonCustomization static | Gets or sets whether to display the Ribbon Customization Options in the legacy window. |
UseLightweightBarItems static | Gets or sets whether optimized mode should be enabled for all items. This property should be set at the application’s startup before loading bar components. |
UseLightweightTemplatesInStandardButtons static |
Gets or sets whether the dx:ButtonThemeKey resource containing the Button template should use the ResourceKey=ButtonControlTemplate .
UseLightweightThemes static | Gets or sets whether to use lightweight themes within the application. |
UseMiddleMouseScrolling static | Gets or sets whether to enable the middle-click to scroll functionality. |
UseRibbonDeferredPageMerging static | Gets or sets whether to enable a ribbon’s deferred page merging. |
UseThemedMessageBoxInServices static | Gets or sets whether to use the ThemedMessageBox instead of DXMessageBox in WindowService, DialogService, and WindowedDocumentUIService. |
UseThemedWaitIndicatorInSplashScreen static | Specifies whether to revert to the Wait Indicator control that uses the theme resources. |
UseThemedWindowInServices static | Gets or sets whether to use the ThemedWindow instead of DXWindow in WindowService, DialogService, and WindowedDocumentUIService. |
ValueAfterDeleteInNumericMask static | Specifies whether editors set the 0 (zero) or null value after the last digit is removed. |
See Also