ASPxClientFileManager.ItemsDeleted Event
In This Article
Occurs on the client side after all the selected items have been deleted.
ItemsDeleted: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientFileManagerItemsDeletedEventHandler<ASPxClientFileManager>>
#Event Data
The ItemsDeleted event's data class is ASPxClientFileManagerItemsDeletedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:
Property | Description |
items | Gets an array of the currently processed items. |
The ItemsDeleted event serves as a notification that all selected items have been deleted. The ItemsDeleted event is generated after the ASPxClientFileManager.ItemDeleted events related to all deleted items have been fired.
You can use the ASPxClientFileManagerItemsCopiedEventArgs.items event parameter to gets an array of deleted items.
To specify whether an item can be deleted and cancel the action, handle the ASPxClientFileManager.ItemDeleting event.
See Also