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ASPxClientFileManager.FileUploaded Event

Occurs on the client side after a file has been uploaded.


FileUploaded: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientFileManagerFileUploadedEventHandler<ASPxClientFileManager>>

#Event Data

The FileUploaded event's data class is ASPxClientFileManagerFileUploadedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
fileName Gets the name of the uploaded file.
folder Gets the path to the folder where a file is uploaded.


The FileUploaded event serves as a notification that a file has been uploaded. You can use the event parameter’s properties to identify a name (ASPxClientFileManagerFileUploadedEventArgs.fileName) or a destination folder (ASPxClientFileManagerFileUploadedEventArgs.folder) of the uploaded file.

To specify whether a file can be uploaded, and cancel the action, handle the ASPxClientFileManager.FileUploading event.

See Also