ASPxClientGridKeyboardEventArgs Class
In This Article
Contains data for ASPxCardView, ASPxGridView, and ASPxVerticalGrid client-side keyboard events.
declare class ASPxClientGridKeyboardEventArgs extends ASPxClientGridKeyboardEventArgsBase
An ASPxClientGridKeyboardEventArgs
object contains information on the pressed key (the keyCode and htmlEvent properties). You can also use the isAltPressed, isCtrlPressed, and isShiftPressed object properties that specify whether a user presses the corresponding modifier keys.
In the example below, the grid allows users to press the custom Ctrl
shortcut (the Space
key’s integer code is 32) to expand all group rows.
var spaceKeyCode = 32;
function onKeyDown(s, e) {
if (e.isCtrlPressed && e.keyCode == spaceKeyCode) {
<dx:ASPxGridView ID="grid" runat="server" ...>
<Settings ShowGroupPanel="true" />
<ClientSideEvents KeyDown="onKeyDown" />
<dx:GridViewDataColumn FieldName="ShipName" />
See Also