ASPxClientFileManager.FileUploadValidationErrorOccurred Event
Enables you to specify whether the selected file(s) are valid and provide an error text.
FileUploadValidationErrorOccurred: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientUploadControlValidationErrorOccurredEventHandler<ASPxClientFileManager>>
Event Data
The FileUploadValidationErrorOccurred event's data class is ASPxClientUploadControlValidationErrorOccurredEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:
Property | Description |
errorText | Gets or sets the error text. |
invalidFiles | Returns an array of invalid files. |
showAlert | Gets or sets a value specifying whether an alert message is displayed when the ASPxClientUploadControl.ValidationErrorOccurred event fires. |
validationSettings | Gets the validation settings for the selected files. |
The FileUploadValidationErrorOccurred event is automatically raised each time a user selects one or several files to upload, and allows you to specify whether these files are valid for the following parameters:
- UploadControlValidationSettings.MaxFileCount - The maximum file count to be uploaded at once.
- FileManagerSettings.AllowedFileExtensions - Allowed file extensions of the uploaded file(s).
- UploadControlValidationSettings.MaxFileSize - Maximum file size (in bytes).
- Use of invalid symbols in a file name: ,/,:,*,?,”,<,>,|
The FileUploadValidationErrorOccurred event is used to customize the error message and provide more information about why the selected file(s) are invalid.
The following example illustrates how to use the ASPxClientFileManager.FileUploadValidationErrorOccurred
event to customize an error message for files that didn’t pass validation.
function onUploadControlValidationErrorOccured(s, e) {
e.showAlert = false;
var errorHtmlContentTemplate = "<div class=\"error-attention\">Attention!</div><br />" +
"{0} files are invalid and will not be uploaded.<br /><br /> {1}" +
"All files listed above have been removed from the selection.";
var preparedErrorHtmlContent = errorHtmlContentTemplate
.replace("{0}", e.invalidFiles.length)
.replace("{1}", getDetailsErrorInfoHtml(e));
function getDetailsErrorInfoHtml(e) {
var html = "";
html += getDetailsErrorInfoHtmlByErrorType(e, ASPxClientUploadControlValidationErrorTypeConsts.MaxFileCountExceeded,
"These files exceed the allowed file count (the maximum file count is {0}):<br /><ul>{1}</ul><br />",
html += getDetailsErrorInfoHtmlByErrorType(e, ASPxClientUploadControlValidationErrorTypeConsts.MaxFileSizeExceeded,
"These files exceed the allowed file size (the maximum file size is {0} bytes):<br /><ul>{1}</ul><br />",
e.validationSettings.maxFileSize, true);
html += getDetailsErrorInfoHtmlByErrorType(e, ASPxClientUploadControlValidationErrorTypeConsts.NotAllowedFileExtension,
"Extensions of these files are not allowed (valid extensions are - {0}):<br /><ul>{1}</ul><br />",
e.validationSettings.allowedFileExtensions.join(', '));
html += getDetailsErrorInfoHtmlByErrorType(e, ASPxClientUploadControlValidationErrorTypeConsts.FileNameContainInvalidCharacter,
"Names of this files contain invalid characters ({0}):<br /><ul>{1}</ul><br />",
return html;
function getDetailsErrorInfoHtmlByErrorType(e, errorType, message, commonInfo, isFileSize) {
var filesInfo = getFilesInfoByErrorType(e.invalidFiles, errorType);
if (filesInfo.length == 0)
return "";
var filesHtml = "";
for (var i = 0, len = filesInfo.length; i < len; i++) {
var f = filesInfo[i];
var fileText = isFileSize ? f.fileName + " - " + f.fileSize + " bytes" : f.fileName;
filesHtml += "<li class=\"error-file\">" + fileText + "</li>";
return "<div class=\"error-detail\">" + message.replace("{0}", commonInfo).replace("{1}", filesHtml) + "</div>";
function getFilesInfoByErrorType(invalidFiles, errorType) {
var filesInfo = [];
for (var i = 0, len = invalidFiles.length; i < len; i++) {
var fileInfo = invalidFiles[i];
if (fileInfo.errorType == errorType)
return filesInfo;