ASPxClientRibbon Class
In This Article
Represents the client-side equivalent of the ASPxRibbon control.
declare class ASPxClientRibbon extends ASPxClientControl
The ASPxClientRibbon object serves as a client-side equivalent of the ASPxRibbon control, and implements the functionality of a client ribbon object.
Using the methods exposed by the ASPxClientRibbon object you can:
- get an item specified by its name (ASPxClientRibbon.GetItemByName);
- get and set items value by specifying item name (ASPxClientRibbon.GetItemValueByName, ASPxClientRibbon.SetItemValueByName);
- get a tab specified by its name or index (ASPxClientRibbon.GetTabByName, ASPxClientRibbon.GetTab);
- obtain or change the selected tab (ASPxClientRibbon.GetActiveTab, ASPxClientRibbon.SetActiveTab, ASPxClientRibbon.SetActiveTabIndex);
- get tab count (ASPxClientRibbon.GetTabCount);
- manage the control availability (ASPxClientRibbon.GetEnabled, ASPxClientRibbon.SetEnabled);
- manage the control minimization state (ASPxClientRibbon.GetMinimized, ASPxClientRibbon.SetMinimized);
The client events, available via the ASPxClientRibbon object, allow you to respond to the following actions:
- active tab changes (ASPxClientRibbon.ActiveTabChanged);
- file tab click (ASPxClientRibbon.FileTabClicked);
- minimization state changes (ASPxClientRibbon.MinimizationStateChanged);
- executing an item command (ASPxClientRibbon.CommandExecuted);
See Also