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ASPxClientFileManager.ItemMoving Event

Fires on the client side before an item is moved and allows you to cancel the action.


ItemMoving: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientFileManagerItemEditingEventHandler<ASPxClientFileManager>>

#Event Data

The ItemMoving event's data class is ASPxClientFileManagerItemEditingEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
cancel Gets or sets a value indicating whether the action which raised the event should be canceled.
fullName Gets the full name of the item currently being processed. Inherited from ASPxClientFileManagerActionEventArgsBase.
isFolder Gets a value specifying whether the current processed item is a folder. Inherited from ASPxClientFileManagerActionEventArgsBase.
name Gets the name of the currently processed item. Inherited from ASPxClientFileManagerActionEventArgsBase.


Each time an item is going to be moved, the ItemMoving event occurs, allowing you to cancel the action. You can use the event parameter’s properties to identify a name ( or a full name (ASPxClientFileManagerActionEventArgsBase.fullName) of the moved item. The ASPxClientFileManagerActionEventArgsBase.isFolder property indicates the type of a currently being processed item: file or folder.

To cancel the moving operation, set the ASPxClientFileManagerItemEditingEventArgs.cancel property to true.

After an item has been moved, the ASPxClientFileManager.ItemMoved event is raised.

See Also