ASPxClientDockZone Class
In This Article
A client-side equivalent of the ASPxDockZone object.
declare class ASPxClientDockZone extends ASPxClientControl
The ASPxClientDockZone object serves as a client-side equivalent of the ASPxDockZone control, and implements the functionality of a client ASPxDockZone object.
Using the methods exposed by the ASPxClientDockZone object:
- a particular panel can be accessed by its visible index or unique identifier (ASPxClientDockZone.GetPanelByVisibleIndex and ASPxClientDockZone.GetPanelByUID);
- the total number of panels in the zone can be retrieved (ASPxClientDockZone.GetPanelCount);
- panels docked in the zone can be accessed (ASPxClientDockZone.GetPanels);
- a zone’s orientation and its ability to grow can be obtained (ASPxClientDockZone.IsVertical and ASPxClientDockZone.GetAllowGrowing).
The client events available via the ASPxClientDockZone object allow you to respond to panel docking by handling the ASPxClientDockZone.BeforeDock and ASPxClientDockZone.AfterDock events.
The client-side programmatic interface is available if the ASPx
See Also