SplashScreenManager Methods
Allows you to create and show splash screens and wait forms.Name | Description |
CanStartSplashScreenManagerUIThread() static | |
CloseForm() static | Closes the wait form or splash screen. Throws an exception if no splash form is opened. |
CloseForm(Boolean, Boolean) static | Closes the wait form or splash screen. |
CloseForm(Boolean, Int32, Form, Boolean, Boolean) static | Closes the wait form or splash screen. For internal use. |
CloseForm(Boolean, Int32, Form, Boolean) static | Closes the wait form or splash screen after a delay. |
CloseForm(Boolean, Int32, Form) static | Closes the wait form or splash screen after a delay. Allows you to select the form that should be subsequently activated, and suppress the exception raised if no splash form is opened. |
CloseForm(Boolean) static | Closes the displayed wait form or splash screen. Allows you to suppress the exception raised if no splash form is opened. |
CloseOverlayForm(IOverlaySplashScreenHandle) static | Closes the Overlay Form with the specified handle. |
CloseWaitForm() | Closes the WaitForm that was displayed using the SplashScreenManager.ShowWaitForm method. |
CreateObjRef(Type) | Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
Dispose() | Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetLifetimeService() | Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
GetService(Type) protected | Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
HideImage() static | Hides the splash image that has been displayed via the SplashScreenManager.ShowImage method. |
HideImage(Int32, Form) static | Closes the currently displayed splash image after a specific delay and allows you to specify a form that should be subsequently selected. |
InitializeLifetimeService() | Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
Invalidate() | Forces the splash form to be redisplayed. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
RegisterUserSkin(SkinBlobXmlCreator) static | Registers a custom skin to be applied to a splash form. |
RegisterUserSkins(Assembly) static | Registers custom skins from the specified assembly to be applied to a splash form. |
SendCommand(Enum, Object) | Sends a command to the currently active splash form. |
SetWaitFormCaption(String) | Sets the active WaitForm‘s caption to the specified value. |
SetWaitFormDescription(String) | Sets the active WaitForm‘s description to the specified value. |
ShowFluentSplashScreen(FluentSplashScreenOptions, EventHandler<FluentSplashScreenCustomDrawEventArgs>, Form, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point) static | Displays a Windows 10-inspired splash screen (features an Acrylic material effect - a partially transparent texture). |
ShowFluentSplashScreen(String, String, String, String, Int32, Color, FluentLoadingIndicatorType, ImageOptions, EventHandler<FluentSplashScreenCustomDrawEventArgs>, Form, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point) static | Displays a Windows 10-inspired splash screen (features an Acrylic material effect - a partially transparent texture). |
ShowForm(Type, Boolean, Boolean) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. |
ShowForm(Type) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. |
ShowForm(Form, Type, Boolean, Boolean, ParentFormState) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. |
ShowForm(Form, Type, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point, ParentFormState) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. |
ShowForm(Form, Type, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. |
ShowForm(Form, Type, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. |
ShowForm(Form, Type, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, ParentFormState) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. |
ShowForm(Form, Type, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point, ParentFormState) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. |
ShowForm(Form, Type, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point, Boolean) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. |
ShowForm(Form, Type, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point, Int32, ParentFormState) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. |
ShowForm(Form, Type, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point, Int32, Boolean, ParentFormState, Boolean) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. For internal use. |
ShowForm(Form, Type, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point, Int32, Boolean, ParentFormState) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. For internal use. |
ShowForm(Form, Type, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point, Int32, Boolean) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. For internal use. |
ShowForm(Form, Type, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point, Int32) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. |
ShowForm(Form, Type, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. |
ShowForm(Form, Type, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. |
ShowForm(Form, Type, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Int32) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. |
ShowForm(Form, Type, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. |
ShowForm(Form, Type, Boolean, Boolean) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. |
ShowForm(Form, Type) static | Creates and displays a splash form (wait form or splash screen) of the specified type. |
ShowForm(UserControl, Type, Boolean, Boolean, ParentFormState) static | Creates and displays a wait form of the specified type. |
ShowForm(UserControl, Type, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point, ParentFormState) static | Creates and displays a wait form of the specified type. |
ShowForm(UserControl, Type, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point) static | Creates and displays a wait form of the specified type. |
ShowForm(UserControl, Type, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition) static | Creates and displays a wait form of the specified type. |
ShowForm(UserControl, Type, Boolean, Boolean) static | Creates and displays a wait form of the specified type. |
ShowImage(SvgImage, Boolean, Boolean, ICustomImagePainter) static | Displays a splash form that contains a vector image. Allows you to draw custom graphics over the splash image, and enable fade-in and fade-out effects. |
ShowImage(SvgImage, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point, ICustomImagePainter, Int32) static | Creates a splash form with a vector image inside and displays this form after the specified delay. Allows you to draw custom graphics over the splash image, manually arrange it, and enable fade-in and fade-out effects. |
ShowImage(SvgImage, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point, ICustomImagePainter) static | Displays a splash form that contains a vector image. Allows you to draw custom graphics over the splash image, manually arrange it, and enable fade-in and fade-out effects. |
ShowImage(SvgImage, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point) static | Displays a splash form that contains a vector image. Allows you to manually arrange this splash form. |
ShowImage(SvgImage, Boolean, Boolean) static | Displays a vector image as a splash form with optional fade-in and fade-out effects. |
ShowImage(SvgImage, Boolean) static | Displays a vector image with an optional fade in effect. |
ShowImage(SvgImage, Size, Boolean, Boolean, ICustomImagePainter) static | Displays a splash form that contains a vector image. Allows you to draw custom graphics over the splash image, resize the image, and enable fade-in and fade-out effects. |
ShowImage(SvgImage, Size, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point, ICustomImagePainter, Int32) static | Creates a splash form with a vector image inside and displays this form after the specified delay. Allows you to draw custom graphics over the splash image, resize and manually arrange it, and enable fade-in and fade-out effects. |
ShowImage(SvgImage, Size, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point, ICustomImagePainter) static | Displays a splash form that contains a vector image. Allows you to draw custom graphics over the splash image, resize and manually arrange it, and enable fade-in and fade-out effects. |
ShowImage(SvgImage, Size, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point) static | Displays a splash form that contains a vector image. Allows you to manually arrange this splash form, resize the image, and enable fade-in and fade-out effects. |
ShowImage(SvgImage, Size, Boolean, Boolean) static | Displays a vector image as a splash form, centering the image against your application’s main form. Allows you to disable fade-in and fade-out effects for the image. |
ShowImage(SvgImage, Size, Boolean) static | Resizes an image and shows it as a splash form with an optional fade-in effect. |
ShowImage(SvgImage, Size) static | Resizes the target vector image and shows it as a splash form. |
ShowImage(SvgImage) static | Displays a vector image as a splash form, centering the image against your application’s main form. |
ShowImage(Image, Boolean, Boolean, ICustomImagePainter) static |
Displays an image as a splash form, centering the image against your application’s main form. Allows you to disable fade-in and fade-out effects for the image and draw custom graphics over the splash image. |
ShowImage(Image, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point, ICustomImagePainter, Int32, Boolean) static | This method supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
ShowImage(Image, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point, ICustomImagePainter, Int32) static | Creates a splash form containing the specified image and displays it after a delay. Allows you to manually position the splash form, disable fade-in and fade-out effects for the image and draw custom graphics over the splash image. |
ShowImage(Image, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point, ICustomImagePainter) static | Displays an image as a splash form, allowing you to manually position it against your application’s main form. Allows you to disable fade-in and fade-out effects for the image and draw custom graphics over the splash image. |
ShowImage(Image, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point) static | Displays an image as a splash form, allowing you to manually position it. Allows you to disable fade-in and fade-out effects for the image. |
ShowImage(Image, Boolean, Boolean) static | Displays an image as a splash form, centering the image against your application’s main form. Allows you to disable fade-in and fade-out effects for the image. |
ShowImage(Image, Boolean) static | Displays an image as a splash form, centering the image against your application’s main form. |
ShowImage(Image) static | Displays an image as a splash form, centering the image against your application’s main form. |
ShowOverlayForm(Control, OverlayWindowOptions) static | Shows an Overlay Form with the specified options over the specified control. |
ShowOverlayForm(Control, Nullable<Boolean>, Nullable<Boolean>, Nullable<Color>, Nullable<Color>, Nullable<Int32>, Image, IOverlayWindowPainter, String, Nullable<ImageRotationParams>, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<Size>, Nullable<WaitAnimationType>, Nullable<LineAnimationParams>, Nullable<Boolean>, Nullable<Boolean>, Nullable<Boolean>) static | |
ShowOverlayForm(Control) static | Shows an Overlay Form with the default options over the specified control. |
ShowSkinSplashScreen(SvgImage, Nullable<Size>, String, String, String, String, Form, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point) static | Displays a skin-aware splash screen with the specified SVG logo image. The current skin determines the background and font settings splash screen elements. |
ShowSkinSplashScreen(Image, String, String, String, String, Form, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point) static | Displays a skin-aware splash screen with the specified raster logo image. The current skin determines the background and font settings of the splash screen’s elements. |
ShowSkinSplashScreen(String, String, String, String, Form, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point) static | Displays a skin-aware splash screen. The current skin determines the background and font settings of the splash screen’s elements. |
ShowWaitForm() | Creates and displays a WaitForm, whose type is specified by the SplashScreenManager.ActiveSplashFormTypeInfo property. |
ToString() | Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden. Inherited from Component. |
WaitForSplashFormClose() | Blocks the current thread until the active splash form is closed. |
See Also