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SplashScreenManager.ShowSkinSplashScreen Method

Name Parameters Description
ShowSkinSplashScreen(SvgImage, Nullable<Size>, String, String, String, String, Form, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point) static logoImage, svgImageSize, title, subtitle, footer, loading, parentForm, useFadeIn, useFadeOut, throwExceptionIfAlreadyOpened, startPos, location Displays a skin-aware splash screen with the specified SVG logo image. The current skin determines the background and font settings splash screen elements.
ShowSkinSplashScreen(Image, String, String, String, String, Form, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point) static logoImage, title, subtitle, footer, loading, parentForm, useFadeIn, useFadeOut, throwExceptionIfAlreadyOpened, startPos, location Displays a skin-aware splash screen with the specified raster logo image. The current skin determines the background and font settings of the splash screen’s elements.
ShowSkinSplashScreen(String, String, String, String, Form, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point) static title, subtitle, footer, loading, parentForm, useFadeIn, useFadeOut, throwExceptionIfAlreadyOpened, startPos, location Displays a skin-aware splash screen. The current skin determines the background and font settings of the splash screen’s elements.