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SplashScreenManager.ShowFluentSplashScreen(String, String, String, String, Int32, Color, FluentLoadingIndicatorType, ImageOptions, EventHandler<FluentSplashScreenCustomDrawEventArgs>, Form, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, SplashFormStartPosition, Point) Method

Displays a Windows 10-inspired splash screen (features an Acrylic material effect - a partially transparent texture).

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraSplashScreen

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.2.dll


public static void ShowFluentSplashScreen(
    string title = null,
    string subtitle = null,
    string leftFooter = null,
    string rightFooter = null,
    int opacity = 50,
    Color opacityColor = default(Color),
    FluentLoadingIndicatorType loadingIndicatorType = FluentLoadingIndicatorType.Dots,
    ImageOptions logoImageOptions = null,
    EventHandler<FluentSplashScreenCustomDrawEventArgs> customDrawEventHandler = null,
    Form parentForm = null,
    bool useFadeIn = false,
    bool useFadeOut = false,
    bool throwExceptionIfAlreadyOpened = true,
    SplashFormStartPosition startPos = SplashFormStartPosition.Default,
    Point location = default(Point)

Optional Parameters

Name Type Default Description
title String null

A string displayed in the title region. If this parameter is not specified (null), the title region displays the value of the AssemblyTitle attribute (see your project’s AssemblyInfo.cs/AssemblyInfo.vb file).

subtitle String null

A string displayed in the subtitle region. If this parameter is not specified (null), the subtitle region displays the value of the AssemblyCompany attribute (see your project’s AssemblyInfo.cs/AssemblyInfo.vb file).

leftFooter String null

A string displayed in the left footer. If this parameter is not specified (null), the left footer displays the value of the AssemblyCopyright attribute (see your project’s AssemblyInfo.cs/AssemblyInfo.vb file).

rightFooter String null

A string displayed in the right footer. If this parameter is not specified (null), the right footer displays the value of the AssemblyFileVersion attribute (see your project’s AssemblyInfo.cs/AssemblyInfo.vb file).

opacity Int32 50

The opacity level for the splashscreen’s background. This setting is supported if the application runs under Windows 10 Version 1803 (OS build 17134) or newer. On older Windows versions, the splashscreen fills its background with a non-trasparent color (the ‘opacityColor’ parameter).

opacityColor Color null

The background color. If the opacityColor parameter is set to Color.Empty, the actual background color is Color.Black.

loadingIndicatorType DevExpress.XtraSplashScreen.FluentLoadingIndicatorType Dots

The loading indicator kind to use.

logoImageOptions ImageOptions null

The object to specify the logo image and its settings.

customDrawEventHandler EventHandler<DevExpress.XtraSplashScreen.FluentSplashScreenCustomDrawEventArgs> null

The event handler to perform custom painting.

parentForm Form null

The splash screen’s owner.

useFadeIn Boolean False

A value that specifies whether to use the fade-in effect when the splash screen is being opened.

useFadeOut Boolean False

A value that specifies whether to use the fade-out effect when the splash screen is being closed.

throwExceptionIfAlreadyOpened Boolean True

true to throw an exception if another splash form has already been opened; false to suppress this exception.

startPos SplashFormStartPosition Default

A value that specifies how the form is positioned.

location Point null

Coordinates at which the splash form is shown (if the startPos parameter is set to Manual).


// Show a splashscreen.
ImageOptions myLogoImageOptions = new ImageOptions();
myLogoImageOptions.SvgImage = Resources.Logo;

    logoImageOptions: myLogoImageOptions,
    title: "When Only The Best Will Do",
    subtitle: "DevExpress WinForms Controls",
    rightFooter: "Starting...",
    leftFooter: "Copyright © 2000 - 2020 Developer Express Inc." + Environment.NewLine + "All Rights reserved.",
    loadingIndicatorType: FluentLoadingIndicatorType.Dots,
    opacity: 130,
    parentForm: this

//Do an operation

//Close the splashscreen

The following image demonstrates Fluent Splash Screen elements you can customize using method parameters.


To customize the appearance settings (font, color, word wrap options, etc.) used to paint the title, subtitle, left footer and right footer, use the ShowFluentSplashScreen method overload with a FluentSplashScreenOptions parameter. The FluentSplashScreenOptions class provides properties to adjust these appearance settings.

See Also