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LayoutView.CustomDrawCardCaption Event

Enables card captions to be custom painted.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Layout

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraGrid.v24.2.dll


public event LayoutViewCustomDrawCardCaptionEventHandler CustomDrawCardCaption

Event Data

The CustomDrawCardCaption event's data class is DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Layout.Events.LayoutViewCustomDrawCardCaptionEventArgs.


The CustomDrawCardCaption event is raised each time a card caption needs to be repainted, and enables you to paint it manually. See the Custom Painting Basics and Custom Painting Scenarios topics for information on using custom draw events.

If you need to paint caption text as specified by the LayoutView.CardCaptionFormat property, use the LayoutView.GetCardCaption method to obtain the formatted text.


Do not change cell values, modify the control’s layout, or change the control’s object model in the events used for custom control painting. Actions that update the layout can cause the control to malfunction.

See Also