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DevExpress.XtraGantt Namespace

Contains types related to the Gantt control.

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraGantt.v24.2.dll


Name Description
CustomCalcTaskDependencyEventArgs Provides data for the CustomCalcTaskDependency event.
CustomDrawEventArgs Supplies data for events that allow you to draw the control’s visual elements in a custom way.
CustomDrawTaskDependencyEventArgs Provides data for the GanttControl.CustomDrawTaskDependency event.
CustomDrawTaskEventArgs Provides data for the GanttControl.CustomDrawTask event.
CustomDrawTimelineTaskEventArgs Contains data for the CustomDrawTimelineTask event.
CustomDrawTimescaleColumnEventArgs Provides data for the GanttControl.CustomDrawTimescaleColumn event.
CustomItemTextEventArgs Contains data for the CustomTimelineItemText event.
CustomTaskDisplayTextEventArgs Provides data for the CustomTaskDisplayText event.
CustomTaskProgressEventArgs Provides data for the CustomTaskProgress event.
CustomTaskSchedulingEventArgs Provides data for the CustomTaskScheduling event.
GanttChartMappings Contains properties that specify names of data fields mapped to task properties (caption, start and finish dates, progress, and so on).
GanttControl Represents a bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. The control displays project tasks organized in a tree list. The chart displays a bar against each task that shows the task start and finish dates, progress, and dependencies.
GanttControlAppearanceCollection Provides access to appearance settings applied to the control’s visual elements.
GanttControlHitInfo Represents information about the control’s visual elements under the hit point.
GanttControlNode Specifies a node in a GanttControl.
GanttControlNodes Provides a collection of GanttControlNode objects.
GanttControlOptionsMainTimeRuler Specifies the timescale’s bottom ruler settings.
GanttControlOptionsSplitter Specifies splitter options.
GanttControlOptionsView Specifies view options.
GanttControlPrintAppearanceCollection Provides access to appearance settings applied when the control is printed.
GanttDependencyMappings Provides access to options specified based on data source field names (dependency type, time lag, predecessor and successor tasks).
GanttTaskPopupMenuShowingEventArgs Provides data for the TaskPopupMenuShowing event.
GanttTaskToolTipShowingEventArgs Provides data for the GanttControl.TaskToolTipShowing event.
GanttTimelineTaskToolTipShowingEventArgs Contains data for the TimelineTaskToolTipShowing event.
QueryItemTemplateEventArgs Contains data for the QueryItemTemplate event.
RequestTimescaleRulersEventArgs Contains data for the GanttControl.RequestTimescaleRulers event.
SplitTaskMappings Specifies names of data source fields that contain information about task splits.
SplitterPositionChangingEventArgs Provides data for the SplitterPositionChanging event.
TaskDependencyModificationCancelEventArgs Provides data for the TaskDependencyModification and TaskDependencyModificationCompleted events.
TaskDependencyModificationEventArgs Provides data for TaskDependencyModificationCanceled and TaskDependencyModified events.
TaskFinishModificationCanceledEventArgs Provides data for the TaskFinishDateModificationCanceled event.
TaskFinishModificationEventArgs Provides data for the TaskFinishDateModificationStarted, TaskFinishDateModification, and TaskFinishDateModificationCompleted events.
TaskFinishModifiedEventArgs Provides data for the TaskFinishDateModified event.
TaskModificationEventArgs Provides data for events raised when a user modifies a task.
TaskMoveCanceledEventArgs Provides data for the TaskMoveCanceled event.
TaskMovedEventArgs Provides data for the TaskMoved event.
TaskMovingEventArgs Provides data for the TaskMoveStarted, TaskMoving, TaskMoveCanceled, and TaskMoved events.
TaskProgressModificationCanceledEventArgs Provides data for the TaskProgressModificationCanceled event.
TaskProgressModificationEventArgs Provides data for the TaskProgressModificationStarted, TaskProgressModification, and TaskProgressModificationCompleted events.
TaskProgressModifiedEventArgs Provides data for the TaskProgressModified event.
TreeListMappings Provides access to options specified based on data source field names and tree list column objects.
WorkDayOfWeek Represents a work day of the week.
WorkWeekRule Represents a regular workweek schedule.


Name Description
CustomDrawTaskDependencyEventHandler Represents a reference to a method that handles the CustomDrawTaskDependency event.
CustomDrawTaskEventHandler Represents a reference to a method that handles the CustomDrawTask event.
CustomDrawTimescaleColumnEventHandler Represents a reference to a method that handles the CustomDrawTimescaleColumn event.
CustomTaskDisplayTextEventHandler Represents a reference to a method that handles the CustomTaskDisplayText event.
CustomTaskProgressEventHandler Represents a reference to a method that handles the CustomTaskProgress event.
CustomTaskSchedulingEventHandler Represents a reference to a method that handles the CustomTaskScheduling event.
GanttTaskPopupMenuShowingEventHandler Represents a reference to a method that handles the TaskPopupMenuShowing event.
GanttTaskToolTipShowingEventHandler Represents a reference to a method that handles the TaskToolTipShowing event.
RequestTimescaleRulersEventHandler Represents a reference to a method that handles the RequestTimescaleRulers event.
SplitterPositionChangingEventHandler Represents a reference to a method that handles the SplitterPositionChanging event.


Name Description
ChangeType Enumerates values that specify whether a dependency is created, modified, or removed.
ConstraintType Enumerates values that specify constraint types (As Soon As Possible, Start No Later Than, and so on).
CriticalPathHighlightMode Enumerates values that specify whether the control highlights single, multiple, or no critical paths.
DependencyType Enumerates values that specify types of dependencies between tasks.
GanttFixedPanel Enumerates modes that specify whether the task list or chart width is fixed when the user resizes the control.
GanttPanelVisibility Enumerates modes that specify whether the task list, chart, or both are visible.
GanttTimescaleUnit Enumerates values that specify time intervals that correspond to a single unit on the time scale.
GanttZoomMode Enumerates values that specify how the scale changes when a user scrolls the mouse wheel.
TimelinePosition Enumerates values that specify the visibility and position of a timeline in the Gantt control.