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RepositoryItemDateEdit.SpecialCalendarDate Event

Allows you to mark certain dates as “special” dates. These dates will be painted using the dedicated settings provided by the RepositoryItemDateEdit.AppearanceCalendar object.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.2.dll


public event SpecialCalendarDateEventHandler SpecialCalendarDate

#Event Data

The SpecialCalendarDate event's data class is DevExpress.XtraEditors.Calendar.SpecialCalendarDateEventArgs.


Use the event’s IsSpecial parameter to mark certain dates as “special” These dates will be painted using the following appearance properties provided by the RepositoryItemDateEdit.AppearanceCalendar object.

  • DayCellSpecial
  • DayCellSpecialDisabled
  • DayCellSpecialHighlighted
  • DayCellSpecialInactive
  • DayCellSpecialPressed
  • DayCellSpecialSelected

Another way to mark specific dates as “special” is to use the RepositoryItemDateEdit.SpecialDateProvider property.

See Also