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RecentHyperlinkItem.LinkVisited Property

Gets or sets whether this hyperlink should be displayed as visited.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll


public bool LinkVisited { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
Boolean false

true if this hyperlink should be displayed as visited; otherwise, false.


RecentHyperlinkItem objects provide the RecentHyperlinkItem.LinkColor and RecentHyperlinkItem.VisitedColor properties that store colors applied to these hyperlinks in their regular and visited states respectively (see the figure below).

RecentControl - Visited Hyperlink

At runtime, links change their state (and color) to ‘visited’ after they have been clicked. To do the same in code, you can specify the LinkVisited property.

See Also