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GalleryItem(Image, Image, String, String, Int32, Int32, Object, String) Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the GalleryItem class with the specified settings.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Navigation


public GalleryItem(
    Image image,
    Image hoverImage,
    string caption,
    string description,
    int imageIndex,
    int hoverImageIndex,
    object tag,
    string hint


Name Type Description
image Image

A Image object which specifies the item’s image. This value is assigned to the GalleryItem.ImageOptions.Image property.

hoverImage Image

A Image object which specifies the item’s hover image. This value is assigned to the GalleryItem.ImageOptions.HoverImage property.

caption String

A string which specifies the item’s caption. This value is assigned to the GalleryItem.Caption property.

description String

A string which specifies the item’s description. This value is assigned to the GalleryItem.Description property.

imageIndex Int32

An integer which specifies the index of the item’s image in the BaseGallery.Images collection. This value is assigned to the GalleryItem.ImageOptions.ImageIndex property.

hoverImageIndex Int32

An integer which specifies the index of the item’s image in the BaseGallery.HoverImages collection. This value is assigned to the GalleryItem.ImageOptions.HoverImageIndex property.

tag Object

An object to be bound to the item. This value is assigned to the GalleryItem.Tag property.

hint String

A string which specifies the item’s hint. This value is assigned to the GalleryItem.Hint property.

See Also