AccordionControlDisplayMode Enum
Enumerates modes that specify how the AccordionControl is displayed in the expanded and collapsed states.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraBars.Navigation
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraBars.v24.2.dll
Name | Description |
The Hamburger Menu is displayed as a side bar when collapsed, and in-line with the form content when expanded. |
The Hamburger Menu is displayed as a side bar when collapsed, and in an overlay above the content area when expanded. |
In the collapsed state, the Hamburger Menu is rendered as a small Hamburger button (when DockStyle is Left, Right or None), or as a top-aligned bar containing the Hamburger button (when DockStyle is Top). In the expanded state, the menu is shown in an overlay above the content area. |
Related API Members
The following properties accept/return AccordionControlDisplayMode values:
To specify the display mode, use the AccordionOptionsHamburgerMenu.DisplayMode option accessible through the AccordionControl.OptionsHamburgerMenu property.