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This document lists assemblies required for the Chart Control for WPF.


If you use other DevExpress components in your application, using and deploying them should comply with the corresponding EULA documents. For more details on licensing information and the redistribution policy of DevExpress, refer to Redistribution and Deployment.

Required Libraries

Below are the essential libraries required by applications that use the XtraCharts Suite. These libraries are redistributable under the DevExpress EULA and intended for end-users that use your applications.




Contains the ChartControl and other components that are included in the WPF Charts suite.

In addition, this assembly is required when deploying an application containing the WPF Spreadsheet control with a chart.


All DevExpress Charting controls contain classes shared via the same charting engine. These classes, along with a codebase, are intended for internal use, but also provide the basic functionality for ASP.NET Charts, WinForms Charts, and WPF Charts.

This assembly is also required when deploying an application containing the WPF Spreadsheet control with a chart.


Contains the bars and editors libraries, basic controls and utility classes.


Implements the most basic functionality common to all DevExpress controls. This includes classes for data binding, skinning, printing, exporting, as well as many other auxiliary types and resources.


Contains classes that support the MVVM design pattern for WPF and WinForms.

Additional Libraries

The following libraries provide additional functionality for applications that use the Chart Control functionality.




Provides basic printing-exporting functionality to DevExpress WPF controls. Required only if an application uses the Chart Designer for WPF.


Contains classes that implement the basic functionality for DevExpress printing libraries.


Implements the functionality required for End-User Chart customization in WPF. Required only if an application uses the Chart Designer for WPF.


Contains the DockLayoutManager and other components that are included in the WPF Docking suite. This assembly is also required when using the Print Preview functionality of the WPF Printing Library. Required for Print Previews.


Contains the GridControl, TreeListControl and other components that are included in the WPF Grid suite. Required for the Chart Designer and Print and Export.


Contains the DevExpress WPF Ribbon control and its auxiliary classes. Required for the Chart Designer and Print and Export.


Contains classes that are used to parse and highlight code within the Script Editor.

Required for the End-User Report Designer.


Contains base classes common for Office File API and Office controls. Referenced by the DevExpress.Xpf.Printing assembly.


Contains internal classes that provide the basic functionality to parse and render PDF files. Referenced by the DevExpress.Xpf.Printing assembly.


Contains classes that implement the logic for formatting rich text, as well as basic types that provide a public API common to such DevExpress RTF controls as ASP.NET RichEdit, WinForms RichEdit, and WPF RichEdit.

This assembly is also required when using a Rich Edit in-place editor (RepositoryItemRichTextEdit), Filter Editor Control (DevExpress.XtraFilterEditor.FilterEditorControl) and/or exporting to DOCX. Referenced by the DevExpress.Xpf.Printing assembly.


Contains DocumentViewerControl and other classes that provide base viewing functionality for WPF viewer controls. Referenced by the DevExpress.Xpf.Printing assembly.


Contains the base classes used by DevExpress data-aware controls (e.g., Grid, Tree List). Referenced by the DevExpress.Xpf.Printing assembly.


Contains classes which implement the basic layout functionality. This assembly is also required when using the Print Preview functionality of the WPF Printing Library. Referenced by the DevExpress.Xpf.Printing assembly.

Non-Redistributable Libraries

Distributing any DevExpress design-time libraries ending with “.Design” (for instance, DevExpress.XtraCharts.v24.1.Design.dll, DevExpress.XtraEditors.v24.1.Design.dll and DevExpress.XtraPrinting.v24.1.Design) is strictly prohibited.

Please consult the EULA for additional up-to-the-minute information on which libraries, tools and executables are considered redistributable.