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TdxSpreadSheetTableItemGroup Members

An individual table item group created within the tree-like hierarchy.


Name Description
Create(TdxSpreadSheetTableItems,TdxSpreadSheetTableItemGroup,Integer,Integer) Initializes a new instance of the TdxSpreadSheetTableItemGroup class with specified settings.


Name Description
Count Returns the number of table item groups nested within the current table item group.
Expanded Specifies the display state of the current table item group.
FinishIndex Specifies the index of the last column or row hosted within the table item group.
Index Returns the zero-based index of the current table item group within its parent node.
Items Provides zero-based indexed access to individual child table item groups nested within the current table item group (node).
Level Returns the nesting level of the current table item group.
Owner Returns the table item collection to which the current table item group belongs.
Parent Returns the parent node in which the current table item group is hosted.
StartIndex Specifies the index of the first column or row hosted within the table item group.


Name Description
BeginUpdate Disables refreshing of the current table item group and all groups nested within it.
DeleteAll Removes all child table item groups nested within the current table item group.
EndUpdate Enables updates of the current table item group and all groups nested within it.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
Find(Integer,Boolean) Returns the first child table item group with the specified index nested within the current table item group (node).
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
ToggleExpanded Expands or collapses the current table item group.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also