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TdxSpreadSheetConditionalFormatting.EndEditing(Boolean) Method

Finishes recording a set of conditional formatting changes as a single history action in a Spreadsheet or Report Designer control.


procedure EndEditing(ACancel: Boolean); override;


Name Type
ACancel Boolean


This procedure works identically to EndUpdate if the control’s OptionsBehavior.History property is set to False. Otherwise, the EndEditing procedure either finishes recording the latest history action initiated by a BeginEditing call (if False is passed as the ACancel parameter), or discards it in addition to applying all the pending changes made to a Table View worksheet’s conditional formatting (including adding, removing, or changing one or more conditional formatting rules).

If you enclose the code affecting rule conditions, and/or cell area/style settings within the BeginUpdate/EndUpdate procedure blocks instead of BeginEditing/EndEditing when the history functionality is enabled, every change performed is recorded as an individual history action.

As with BeginUpdate/EndUpdate, ensure that every BeginEditing call is followed by an EndEditing call, even if an exception occurs.

See Also