TdxSpellCheckerCustomCheckAsYouTypeOptions.PopupMenuItems Property
Specifies menu items for the context menu.
property PopupMenuItems: TdxSpellCheckerPopupMenuItems read; write; default DefaultPopupMenuItems;
#Property Value
Type |
Tdx |
Values include:
Value | Meaning |
scmi | Adds a word to the user-defined dictionary. |
scmi | Provides access to the Auto |
scmi | Deletes a word from the text. |
scmi | Ignores all entries of the misspelled word in the currently checked control. The spell checker maintains a list of words ignored by an end-user using this menu item or the Ignore button in the Spelling dialog, for each control being checked. Once a word is added to the list, it is no longer highlighted as misspelled in the control’s text. You can manually clear the list for a specific control by calling the spell checker’s Clear |
scmi | Unlike scmi In addition to the word lists associated with the scmi |
scmi | Invokes the Spelling dialog. |
scmi | Provides suggested words. |
The default value of the PopupMenuItems property is [scmiAddToDictionary, scmiAutoCorrect, scmiDelete, scmiIgnoreAll, scmiSpelling, scmiSuggestions, scmiIgnore].