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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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TdxSpellCheckerCustomCheckAsYouTypeOptions.PopupMenuItems Property

Specifies menu items for the context menu.


property PopupMenuItems: TdxSpellCheckerPopupMenuItems read; write; default DefaultPopupMenuItems;

#Property Value



Values include:




Adds a word to the user-defined dictionary.


Provides access to the AutoCorrect checking mode’s options.


Deletes a word from the text.


Ignores all entries of the misspelled word in the currently checked control.

The spell checker maintains a list of words ignored by an end-user using this menu item or the Ignore button in the Spelling dialog, for each control being checked. Once a word is added to the list, it is no longer highlighted as misspelled in the control’s text. You can manually clear the list for a specific control by calling the spell checker’s ClearIgnoreOnceList method and passing the control as a parameter.


Unlike scmiIgnore, scmiIgnoreAll ignores all entries of the misspelled word in all controls to be checked by the spell checker.

In addition to the word lists associated with the scmiIgnore menu item, the spell checker maintains a list of words ignored by an end-user using the scmiIgnoreAll menu item or the “Ignore All” button in the Spelling dialog. The list is shared between all controls to be checked by the spell checker’s instance. A word added to the list never gets highlighted as misspelled by this instance.


Invokes the Spelling dialog.


Provides suggested words.

The default value of the PopupMenuItems property is [scmiAddToDictionary, scmiAutoCorrect, scmiDelete, scmiIgnoreAll, scmiSpelling, scmiSuggestions, scmiIgnore].

See Also