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TdxSmartImageCodec.Load(TRGBColors,TAlphaFormat,Integer,Integer,TdxSmartImageCustomHandle) Method

Loads an image from an array of pixel data.


class function Load(const ABits: TRGBColors; AAlphaFormat: TAlphaFormat; AWidth: Integer; AHeight: Integer; out AHandle: TdxSmartImageCustomHandle): Boolean; overload; virtual;


Name Type Description
ABits TRGBColors

The source pixel data array.

AAlphaFormat TAlphaFormat

Specifies how the function interprets reserved color bytes in the source array passed as the ABits parameter.

The TBitmap.AlphaFormat property works similar to the AAlphaFormat parameter. Refer to the table in the Remarks section for detailed information on available options.

AWidth Integer

The width of the loaded image, in pixels.

AHeight Integer

The height of the loaded image, in pixels.

AHandle TdxSmartImageCustomHandle

The handle to the resulting image.


Type Description

True if the image load operation is successful; otherwise, False.

See Also