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TdxSmartImageCodec.ID Method

Returns the deprecated format identifier that corresponds to the image codec.


class function ID: TdxImageDataFormat; virtual;


Type Description

The deprecated image format identifier.


The ID class function implements backward compatibility with old image format implementations in DevExpress products.

You can call the TdxSmartImageCodecsRepository.GetFormatByID class function to identify what image codec corresponds to the specified deprecated format identifier. Refer to the TdxImageDataFormat type description for detailed information and the match table with deprecated format identifiers and image codec classes.

This ID function implementation returns dxImageUnknown.

Format-Specific Function Implementation

All terminal TdxSmartImageCodec class descendants except TdxSVGImageCodec override the virtual ID function to return format-specific deprecated identifiers:

TdxSmartImageCodec Descendant Deprecated Identifier
TdxGPImageCodecBMP dxImageBitmap
TdxGPImageCodecEMF dxImageEmf
TdxGPImageCodecGIF dxImageGif
TdxGPImageCodecJPEG dxImageJpeg
TdxGPImageCodecPNG dxImagePng
TdxGPImageCodecTIFF dxImageTiff
TdxGPImageCodecWMF dxImageWmf
See Also