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TdxSVGImageCodec Methods

A Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) image format codec.
Name Description
CanLoadFromBits Identifies if the codec can interpret an array of pixel colors as an image. Inherited from TdxSmartImageCodec.
CanLoadStream(TStream) Identifies if the codec can load an image stored in the specified stream.
CanSaveImage(TdxSmartImageCustomHandle) Identifies if the codec can save an SVG image from the specified smart image handle.
Description Returns the image format description. Inherited from TdxSmartImageCodec.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
Extensions Returns all file name extensions that correspond to the image format. Inherited from TdxSmartImageCodec.
GetClipboardFormatId Returns the clipboard format ID that corresponds to the implemented image format. Inherited from TdxSmartImageCodec.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
ID protected Returns the deprecated format identifier that corresponds to the image codec. Inherited from TdxSmartImageCodec.
Load(TRGBColors,TAlphaFormat,Integer,Integer,TdxSmartImageCustomHandle) Loads an image from an array of pixel data. Inherited from TdxSmartImageCodec.
Load(TStream,TdxSmartImageCustomHandle) Loads an image from a stream. Inherited from TdxSmartImageCodec.
MimeType Returns the MIME content type associated with the image format that corresponds to the codec. Inherited from TdxSmartImageCodec.
Save(TStream,TdxSmartImageCustomHandle) Saves an SVG image from the specified smart image handle to a stream.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also