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TdxCustomForm Class

The base class for DPI-aware DevExpress application forms and dialogs.


TdxCustomForm = class abstract(TCustomForm, IdxScaleFactor)


The TdxCustomForm class is designed to substitute TCustomForm in DPI-aware applications. An instance of a form or dialog window class derived from TdxCustomForm automatically updates its scale factor and applies it to all DevExpress controls when your application accepts the WM_DPICHANGED system message. For instance, TdxCustomForm is the base class for alert and popup windows.

Main API Members

The list below outlines key members of the TdxForm class that allow you to configure a DPI-aware application form.

Other DPI-Aware Form Classes

DevExpress VCL products ship with the following base form classes with support for DPI-awareness:

A Ribbon form class.
A Fluent Design application form.
The base class for DPI-aware DevExpress application forms.

Additional Information

Refer to the following help topic for detailed information on how to adapt your application to high-DPI environments: How to: Create a Per-Monitor DPI-Aware Application.


See Also