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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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dxAutoReplaceImageListReferencesOnDPIChanges Variable

Deprecated. Specifies if DevExpress forms can automatically switch between prepared image lists for different target DPIs when the monitor DPI changes.


var dxAutoReplaceImageListReferencesOnDPIChanges: Boolean = True;

#Variable Value

Type Description
Default. A DevExpress form (a TdxCustomForm or TdxForm class descendant instance) automatically switches between multiple image lists for the same set of UI elements at different target monitor DPIs.

A DevExpress form never switches between image lists. Use this option if the image list switch functionality leads to problematic behavior in your application.


TdxCustomForm.UpdateImageLists and TdxForm.UpdateImageLists procedure calls have no effect if this global variable is set to False.


The image list swap functionality allows you to use multiple sets of bitmap icons for the same set of UI elements to target different monitor DPIs.


This image list replacement technique is deprecated. We recommend that you use only SVG images as UI icons in projects that target multi-monitor mixed-DPI environments.

See Also