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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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TdxDiacriticStringNormalizationMode Enum

Enumerates string normalization algorithms used in diacritic mark-insensitive string comparison mode.


TdxDiacriticStringNormalizationMode = (


Name Description

Default. The DevExpress string normalization algorithm is used for diacritic mark-insensitive string comparison.

This algorithm works up to 3 times faster compared to the operating system-dependent algorithm (System).


Compatibility Mode. The operating system-dependent string normalization algorithm (NormalizationKD).

Use the System mode only if the Fast algorithm fails to properly normalize strings with diacritic marks in the target language.


Diacritic mark-insensitive string comparison in all data controllers[1] and text field-based editors[2] relies on the fast DevExpress Unicode string normalization algorithm. Different string normalization modes allow you to switch between DevExpress and operating system-based string normalization algorithm implementations.


TdxDiacriticStringNormalizationMode is a scoped enumeration type. Use the type name together with a scope resolution token (. in Delphi or :: in C++Builder) followed by an enumeration value to refer to this value. For example, use TdxDiacriticStringNormalizationMode.System (in Delphi) or TdxDiacriticStringNormalizationMode::System (in C++Builder) to refer to the System value in code.

#Direct TdxDiacriticStringNormalizationMode Type Reference

The TdxDiacriticStringOptions.NormalizationMode property references the TdxDiacriticStringNormalizationMode type.

  1. Except for server mode-based data controllers.

  2. Except for lookup editors.

See Also