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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

Our What's New in v24.2 webpage includes product-specific surveys. Your response to our survey questions will help us measure product satisfaction for features released in this major update and help us refine our plans for our next major release.

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TdxChartXYDiagram.ToolTips Property

Provides access to diagram tooltip settings.


property ToolTips: TdxChartXYDiagramToolTipOptions read; write;

#Property Value

Type Description

Stores XY diagram tooltip settings.


Tooltip functionality allows users to interact with diagrams and display additional information on individual data points. XY diagrams support two tooltip display modes:

Crosshair Cursor

Crosshair Cursor consists of a crosshair label that displays additional information on target series points, crosshair lines that mark positions of target series points within an XY diagram area, and axis labels that help users to track coordinates of the target points. You can independently hide or display any Crosshair Cursor elements.

VCL Chart Control: A Crosshair Cursor Example in an XY Diagram

Simple Tooltips

This mode displays a simple tooltip for a series and/or its points depending on the Chart control’s ToolTips.SimpleToolTipOptions.ShowForPoints and ToolTips.SimpleToolTipOptions.ShowForSeries property values.

VCL Chart Control: A Series and Series Point Tooltip Example

#Diagram Tooltip Settings

Use the ToolTips.Mode property to display simple tooltips or a Crosshair Cursor for all series whose ToolTips.Enabled property is set to True.

Refer to the TdxChartXYDiagramToolTipOptions class description for detailed information on all available options.

See Also