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cxDataStorage Unit

This unit contains implementations of value type classes used by DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.


Name Description
TcxBLOBValueType Implements functionality related to the BLOB (Binary Large OBject) type in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.
TcxBooleanValueType Implements functionality related to the Boolean type in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.
TcxCurrencyValueType Implements functionality related to the Currency type in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.
TcxDateTimeValueType Implements functionality related to the date and time type in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.
TcxFloatValueType Implements functionality related to the double precision floating point type in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.
TcxFMTBcdValueType Implements functionality related to the binary-encoded decimal type in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.
TcxIntegerValueType Implements functionality related to the 32-bit signed integer type in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.
TcxLargeIntValueType Implements functionality related to the 64-bit signed integer type in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.
TcxObjectValueType Implements functionality related to the object type in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.
TcxSingleValueType Implements functionality related to the single precision floating-point type in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.
TcxSmallintValueType Implements functionality related to the 16-bit signed integer type in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.
TcxSQLTimeStampValueType Implements functionality related to the high-precision date and time type in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.
TcxStringValueType Implements functionality related to the Unicode string type in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.
TcxValueType The base class for classes that implement functionality related to different value types in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.
TcxVariantValueType Implements functionality related to the Variant type in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.
TcxWideStringValueType Implements functionality related to the wide string type in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.
TcxWordValueType Implements functionality related to the 16-bit unsigned integer type in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.


Name Description
TcxValueTypeClass A reference to a value type class used in DevExpress data controllers and other data-related APIs.