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TcxSchedulerEventConflictsInfo.ConflictEvents Property

Provides access to a collection of user events scheduled at the same time.


property ConflictEvents: TcxSchedulerFilteredEventList read;

Property Value



If the TcxSchedulerEventConflictsInfo object was instantiated using the overloaded version of the Create constructor (with parameters representing time bounds), then the TcxSchedulerFilteredEventList collection contains all the overlapped user events, which fall within the specified time range.

If the TcxSchedulerEventConflictsInfo object was instantiated using the TcxSchedulerEvent.CreateConflictsInfo method or the Create constructor with the Event instance passed in as an argument, then the TcxSchedulerFilteredEventList collection contains user events, which overlap with the given Event.


user events, which overlap an Event, are not considered to be overlapped to that Event if its availability status is free (see the TcxSchedulerEvent.State property).

Use the ConflictEvents property to access the collection of the overlapped user events.

See Also