Create(TcxCustomSchedulerStorage,Boolean,TDateTime,TDateTime,Variant,TcxSchedulerEvent) Constructor
Creates an instance of the TcxSchedulerEventConflictsInfo object and populates it with information on the overlapping user events.
constructor Create(AStorage: TcxCustomSchedulerStorage; AExceptEventsWithoutResources: Boolean; const AStart: TDateTime; const AFinish: TDateTime; AResourceID: Variant; AExcludedEvent: TcxSchedulerEvent = nil); overload; virtual;
Name | Type |
AStorage | Tcx |
AExcept |
Boolean |
AStart | TDate |
AFinish | TDate |
AResource |
Variant |
AExcluded |
Tcx |
The first overloaded version of the Create constructor takes the AEvent user event as an argument, against which the overlapped user events will be checked. Thus the time range within which the overlapped user events will be located is bounded by the start and end time of the AEvent user event.
user events, which overlap an Event, are not considered to be overlapped with that Event if its availability status is free (see the Tcx
The second and third overloaded versions of the Create constructor take time bounds as arguments (the AStart and AFinish parameters) to specify the time range which to locate all the overlapped user events within this range.
The AEvent parameter specifies the user event against which the overlapped user events will be identified, if any;
The AExceptEventsWithoutResources parameter specifies whether the user events, which are not assigned to any resources, will be treated as overlapped and, as consequence, will be stored in the TcxSchedulerEventConflictsInfo.ConflictEvents collection. Set the AExceptEventsWithoutResources parameter to False to provide information on these user events. Note: user events, which do not belong to any resources, will be shown in the scheduling area, if the TcxSchedulerOptionsView.ShowEventsWithoutResource property is set to True. Otherwise they will be hidden;
The AStart and AFinish parameters specify the time range in which to search for any overlapped user events. By default, the specified time range is extended for 30 days (the end time of it). You can change the additional time period by specifying another value for the cxMaxCheckedDuration constant;
The AResourceID parameter specifies the unique identifier of the resource which the assigned overlapped user events will be fetched for;
The AExcludedEvent parameter specifies the user event whose scheduled time will be treated as free.