TcxLookAndFeel.EndUpdate Method
Applies all pending changes and redraws the affected control after a BeginUpdate procedure call.
procedure EndUpdate;
Every time you modify a look & feel setting at the level of an individual control, the control redraws its content to reflect the change. Enclose multiple look & feel setting changes between BeginUpdate and EndUpdate
procedure calls to avoid UI flickering due to excessive redraw operations and improve performance.
#BeginUpdate/EndUpdate and Batch Changes
A [BeginUpdate] procedure call disables notifications and postpones all changes until an EndUpdate
call. A subsequent EndUpdate
call does the following:
- Re-enables change notifications and corresponding redraw operations
- Applies all changes made after a BeginUpdate call
- Sends corresponding notifications in a batch
- Redraws the affected control
Ensure that every BeginEnd
procedure call, even if an exception occurs. Otherwise, the affected control remains frozen and unresponsive.