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TcxCustomImageList Methods

The base class for a DPI-aware image list component.
Name Description
Add(TdxSmartImage,string,string) Loads an image and its transparency mask bitmap and adds them to the image list.
Add(TBitmap,TBitmap) Appends the specified image and its transparency mask bitmap to the image list.
Add(TGraphic,TBitmap) Appends the specified image and its transparency mask bitmap to the image list.
AddBitmap(TBitmap,TBitmap,TColor,Boolean,Boolean) Appends the specified bitmap and its transparency mask bitmap to the image list.
AddDisabledImage(TCustomImageList,Integer) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
AddDisabledImages(TCustomImageList) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
AddIcon(TIcon) Appends the specified icon to the image list.
AddImage(TCustomImageList,Integer) Appends a single specific image from the specified image list.
AddImageFromResource(THandle,string,PChar) Appends a specific image from the specified resource module.
AddImages(TCustomImageList) Appends all stored images from the specified image list.
AddImagesFromResZipStream(THandle,string,PChar) Adds all images to the end of the image list from a ZIP archive in the specified resource module.
AddImagesFromZipStream(TStream) Adds all images to the end of the image list from a ZIP archive stored in the source stream.
AddMasked(TBitmap,TColor) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
AddMasked(TGraphic,TColor) Appends the specified image masked with a color to the image list.
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeginDrag(HWND,Integer,Integer) Inherited from TDragImageList.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayFunctionEvent,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProc,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProcedureEvent,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncFunctionEvent,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TAsyncProcedureEvent,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke(TProc,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TAsyncConstArrayFunc<TResult>,Untyped[],TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TFunc<TResult>,TObject) Inherited from TComponent.
BeginUpdate Postpones notifications about changes made to the image list until an EndUpdate or CancelUpdate call.
CancelUpdate Discards the postponed change notifications and allows the image list to send notifications to its listeners.
Change Sends notifications about changes to the image list’s listeners and raises the OnChange event.
CheckIndexAndName(TImageIndex,TImageName) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
Clear Deletes all stored images.
CopyImages(TCustomImageList,Integer,Integer) Appends the specified set of images from another image list.
Delete(Integer) Removes the specified image from the list.
DestroyComponents Inherited from TComponent.
Destroying Inherited from TComponent.
DragLock(HWND,Integer,Integer) Inherited from TDragImageList.
DragMove(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TDragImageList.
DragUnlock Inherited from TDragImageList.
Draw(TCanvas,Integer,Integer,Integer,Boolean) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
Draw(TCanvas,Integer,Integer,Integer,TDrawingStyle,TImageType,Boolean) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
Draw(TCanvas,TRect,Integer,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean) Draws a specific image in the list on the specified canvas.
DrawOverlay(TCanvas,Integer,Integer,Integer,TOverlay,Boolean) Draws a specific image in the list and an overlay mask on the specified canvas.
DrawOverlay(TCanvas,Integer,Integer,Integer,TOverlay,TDrawingStyle,TImageType,Boolean) Draws a specific image in the list and an overlay mask on the specified canvas.
EndDrag Inherited from TDragImageList.
EndFunctionInvoke(IAsyncResult) Inherited from TComponent.
EndInvoke(IAsyncResult) Inherited from TComponent.
EndInvoke<TResult>(IAsyncResult) Inherited from TComponent.
EndUpdate Sends the postponed change notifications and allows the image list to send notifications to its listeners.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
ExecuteAction(TBasicAction) Inherited from TComponent.
FileLoad(TResType,String,TColor) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
FileLoad(TResType,string,TColor) Loads an image from the specified resource file.
FindComponent(String) Inherited from TComponent.
FreeNotification(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
FreeOnRelease Inherited from TComponent.
GetBitmap(Integer,TBitmap) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
GetChildren(TGetChildProc,TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetHotSpot Inherited from TCustomImageList.
GetIcon(Integer,TIcon,TDrawingStyle,TImageType) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
GetIcon(Integer,TIcon) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
GetImage(Integer,TdxSmartImage) Returns the specified image within the list.
GetImage(Integer,TBitmap) Returns the specified image within the list.
GetImageBitmap Inherited from TCustomImageList.
GetImageInfo(Integer,TBitmap,TBitmap,IdxColorPalette) Obtains the bitmap and transparency mask bitmap of the specified stored image.
GetImageInfo(TCustomImageList,Integer,TBitmap,TBitmap,IdxColorPalette) Obtains the bitmap and transparency mask bitmap of the specified stored image.
GetImageInfo(HIMAGELIST,Integer,TBitmap,TBitmap) Obtains the bitmap and transparency mask bitmap of the specified stored image.
GetIndexByName(TImageName) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
GetInstRes(THandle,TResType,string,Integer,TLoadResources,TColor) Loads a specific image from the specified resource module.
GetInstRes(THandle,TResType,DWORD,Integer,TLoadResources,TColor) Loads a specific image from the specified resource module.
GetInstRes(THandle,TResType,String,Integer,TLoadResources,TColor) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
GetKeywords(Integer) Returns keywords associated with an image in the list.
GetMask(Integer,TBitmap) Obtains the transparency mask bitmap from the specified image.
GetMaskBitmap Inherited from TCustomImageList.
GetNameByIndex(TImageIndex) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
GetParentComponent Inherited from TComponent.
GetPixelFormat(HIMAGELIST) Returns the pixel format of the image list by its handle.
GetResource(TResType,String,Integer,TLoadResources,TColor) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
GetResource(TResType,string,Integer,TLoadResources,TColor) Adds an image from a resource.
GetSourceFileName(Integer) Returns the path to the source file of an image in the list.
HandleAllocated Inherited from TCustomImageList.
HasParent Inherited from TComponent.
HideDragImage Inherited from TDragImageList.
Insert(Integer,TBitmap,TBitmap) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
Insert(Integer,TGraphic,TBitmap) Inserts an image and its transparency mask bitmap at the specified position within the image list.
InsertComponent(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
InsertIcon(Integer,TIcon) Inserts an icon to a specified position within the image list.
InsertMasked(Integer,TBitmap,TColor) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
InsertMasked(Integer,TGraphic,TColor) Inserts an image masked with a color at the specified position within the image list.
IsEquals(TCustomImageList,TCustomImageList) Identifies if the two specified references address the same image list.
IsImageNameAvailable Inherited from TCustomImageList.
IsImplementorOf(IInterface) Inherited from TComponent.
IsScaled Inherited from TCustomImageList.
Loaded Inherited from TComponent.
LoadFromFile(string) Loads images and supplemental information from a file.
LoadFromResource(THandle,string,PChar) Loads images and supplemental information from a resource.
LoadFromStream(TStream) Loads images and supplemental information from a stream.
LoadImage(THandle,string,TColor,Integer,TLoadResources) Loads a specific image from the specified resource module.
Move(Integer,Integer) Moves the specified image to a new position within the same list.
Notification(TComponent,TOperation) Inherited from TComponent.
Overlay(Integer,TOverlay) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
ReferenceInterface(IInterface,TOperation) Inherited from TComponent.
RegisterChanges(TChangeLink) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
RemoveComponent(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
RemoveFreeNotification(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
Replace(Integer,TBitmap,TBitmap) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
Replace(Integer,TGraphic,TBitmap) Replaces a specific image within the list with a specified image.
ReplaceIcon(Integer,TIcon) Replaces a specific image within the list with a specified icon.
ReplaceMasked(Integer,TBitmap,TColor) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
ReplaceMasked(Integer,TGraphic,TColor) Replaces a specific image within the list with the specified image that is masked with a color.
ResInstLoad(THandle,TResType,string,TColor) Loads a specific image from the specified resource module.
ResInstLoad(THandle,TResType,String,TColor) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
Resize(TSize) Sets the new size of the stored images, in pixels.
ResourceLoad(TResType,String,TColor) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
ResourceLoad(TResType,string,TColor) Loads an image from the specified resource.
SaveToFile(string) Saves all images and their settings to a file.
SaveToStream(TStream) Saves all images and their settings to a stream.
SetDragImage(Integer,Integer,Integer) Inherited from TDragImageList.
SetParentComponent(TComponent) Inherited from TComponent.
SetSize(Integer,Integer) Sets a new size of the stored images, in pixels.
SetSize(TSize) Sets a new size of the stored images, in pixels.
SetSubComponent(Boolean) Inherited from TComponent.
ShowDragImage Inherited from TDragImageList.
SupportsPalette(Integer) Identifies if the specified stored image supports palettes.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
UnRegisterChanges(TChangeLink) Inherited from TCustomImageList.
UpdateAction(TBasicAction) Inherited from TComponent.
See Also