TcxCustomImageList Methods
The base class for a DPI-aware image list component.Name | Description |
Add(TdxSmartImage,string,string) | Loads an image and its transparency mask bitmap and adds them to the image list. |
Add(TBitmap,TBitmap) | Appends the specified image and its transparency mask bitmap to the image list. |
Add(TGraphic,TBitmap) | Appends the specified image and its transparency mask bitmap to the image list. |
AddBitmap(TBitmap,TBitmap,TColor,Boolean,Boolean) | Appends the specified bitmap and its transparency mask bitmap to the image list. |
AddDisabledImage(TCustomImageList,Integer) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
AddDisabledImages(TCustomImageList) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
AddIcon(TIcon) | Appends the specified icon to the image list. |
AddImage(TCustomImageList,Integer) | Appends a single specific image from the specified image list. |
AddImageFromResource(THandle,string,PChar) | Appends a specific image from the specified resource module. |
AddImages(TCustomImageList) | Appends all stored images from the specified image list. |
AddImagesFromResZipStream(THandle,string,PChar) | Adds all images to the end of the image list from a ZIP archive in the specified resource module. |
AddImagesFromZipStream(TStream) | Adds all images to the end of the image list from a ZIP archive stored in the source stream. |
AddMasked(TBitmap,TColor) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
AddMasked(TGraphic,TColor) | Appends the specified image masked with a color to the image list. |
Assign(TPersistent) | Inherited from TPersistent. |
AssignTo(TPersistent) | Inherited from TPersistent. |
BeginDrag(HWND,Integer,Integer) | Inherited from TDragImageList. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayFunctionEvent,Untyped[],TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProc,Untyped[],TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncConstArrayProcedureEvent,Untyped[],TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncFunctionEvent,TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TAsyncProcedureEvent,TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke(TProc,TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TAsyncConstArrayFunc<TResult>,Untyped[],TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginInvoke<TResult>(TFunc<TResult>,TObject) | Inherited from TComponent. |
BeginUpdate | Postpones notifications about changes made to the image list until an EndUpdate or CancelUpdate call. |
CancelUpdate | Discards the postponed change notifications and allows the image list to send notifications to its listeners. |
Change | Sends notifications about changes to the image list’s listeners and raises the OnChange event. |
CheckIndexAndName(TImageIndex,TImageName) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
Clear | Deletes all stored images. |
CopyImages(TCustomImageList,Integer,Integer) | Appends the specified set of images from another image list. |
Delete(Integer) | Removes the specified image from the list. |
DestroyComponents | Inherited from TComponent. |
Destroying | Inherited from TComponent. |
DragLock(HWND,Integer,Integer) | Inherited from TDragImageList. |
DragMove(Integer,Integer) | Inherited from TDragImageList. |
DragUnlock | Inherited from TDragImageList. |
Draw(TCanvas,Integer,Integer,Integer,Boolean) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
Draw(TCanvas,Integer,Integer,Integer,TDrawingStyle,TImageType,Boolean) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
Draw(TCanvas,TRect,Integer,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean) | Draws a specific image in the list on the specified canvas. |
DrawOverlay(TCanvas,Integer,Integer,Integer,TOverlay,Boolean) | Draws a specific image in the list and an overlay mask on the specified canvas. |
DrawOverlay(TCanvas,Integer,Integer,Integer,TOverlay,TDrawingStyle,TImageType,Boolean) | Draws a specific image in the list and an overlay mask on the specified canvas. |
EndDrag | Inherited from TDragImageList. |
EndFunctionInvoke(IAsyncResult) | Inherited from TComponent. |
EndInvoke(IAsyncResult) | Inherited from TComponent. |
EndInvoke<TResult>(IAsyncResult) | Inherited from TComponent. |
EndUpdate | Sends the postponed change notifications and allows the image list to send notifications to its listeners. |
Equals(TObject) | Inherited from TObject. |
ExecuteAction(TBasicAction) | Inherited from TComponent. |
FileLoad(TResType,String,TColor) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
FileLoad(TResType,string,TColor) | Loads an image from the specified resource file. |
FindComponent(String) | Inherited from TComponent. |
FreeNotification(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
FreeOnRelease | Inherited from TComponent. |
GetBitmap(Integer,TBitmap) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
GetChildren(TGetChildProc,TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
GetHashCode | Inherited from TObject. |
GetHotSpot | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
GetIcon(Integer,TIcon,TDrawingStyle,TImageType) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
GetIcon(Integer,TIcon) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
GetImage(Integer,TdxSmartImage) | Returns the specified image within the list. |
GetImage(Integer,TBitmap) | Returns the specified image within the list. |
GetImageBitmap | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
GetImageInfo(Integer,TBitmap,TBitmap,IdxColorPalette) | Obtains the bitmap and transparency mask bitmap of the specified stored image. |
GetImageInfo(TCustomImageList,Integer,TBitmap,TBitmap,IdxColorPalette) | Obtains the bitmap and transparency mask bitmap of the specified stored image. |
GetImageInfo(HIMAGELIST,Integer,TBitmap,TBitmap) | Obtains the bitmap and transparency mask bitmap of the specified stored image. |
GetIndexByName(TImageName) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
GetInstRes(THandle,TResType,string,Integer,TLoadResources,TColor) | Loads a specific image from the specified resource module. |
GetInstRes(THandle,TResType,DWORD,Integer,TLoadResources,TColor) | Loads a specific image from the specified resource module. |
GetInstRes(THandle,TResType,String,Integer,TLoadResources,TColor) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
GetKeywords(Integer) | Returns keywords associated with an image in the list. |
GetMask(Integer,TBitmap) | Obtains the transparency mask bitmap from the specified image. |
GetMaskBitmap | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
GetNameByIndex(TImageIndex) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
GetNamePath | Inherited from TPersistent. |
GetOwner | Inherited from TPersistent. |
GetParentComponent | Inherited from TComponent. |
GetPixelFormat(HIMAGELIST) | Returns the pixel format of the image list by its handle. |
GetResource(TResType,String,Integer,TLoadResources,TColor) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
GetResource(TResType,string,Integer,TLoadResources,TColor) | Adds an image from a resource. |
GetSourceFileName(Integer) | Returns the path to the source file of an image in the list. |
HandleAllocated | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
HasParent | Inherited from TComponent. |
HideDragImage | Inherited from TDragImageList. |
Insert(Integer,TBitmap,TBitmap) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
Insert(Integer,TGraphic,TBitmap) | Inserts an image and its transparency mask bitmap at the specified position within the image list. |
InsertComponent(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
InsertIcon(Integer,TIcon) | Inserts an icon to a specified position within the image list. |
InsertMasked(Integer,TBitmap,TColor) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
InsertMasked(Integer,TGraphic,TColor) | Inserts an image masked with a color at the specified position within the image list. |
IsEquals(TCustomImageList,TCustomImageList) | Identifies if the two specified references address the same image list. |
IsImageNameAvailable | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
IsImplementorOf(IInterface) | Inherited from TComponent. |
IsScaled | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
Loaded | Inherited from TComponent. |
LoadFromFile(string) | Loads images and supplemental information from a file. |
LoadFromResource(THandle,string,PChar) | Loads images and supplemental information from a resource. |
LoadFromStream(TStream) | Loads images and supplemental information from a stream. |
LoadImage(THandle,string,TColor,Integer,TLoadResources) | Loads a specific image from the specified resource module. |
Move(Integer,Integer) | Moves the specified image to a new position within the same list. |
Notification(TComponent,TOperation) | Inherited from TComponent. |
Overlay(Integer,TOverlay) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
ReferenceInterface(IInterface,TOperation) | Inherited from TComponent. |
RegisterChanges(TChangeLink) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
RemoveComponent(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
RemoveFreeNotification(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
Replace(Integer,TBitmap,TBitmap) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
Replace(Integer,TGraphic,TBitmap) | Replaces a specific image within the list with a specified image. |
ReplaceIcon(Integer,TIcon) | Replaces a specific image within the list with a specified icon. |
ReplaceMasked(Integer,TBitmap,TColor) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
ReplaceMasked(Integer,TGraphic,TColor) | Replaces a specific image within the list with the specified image that is masked with a color. |
ResInstLoad(THandle,TResType,string,TColor) | Loads a specific image from the specified resource module. |
ResInstLoad(THandle,TResType,String,TColor) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
Resize(TSize) | Sets the new size of the stored images, in pixels. |
ResourceLoad(TResType,String,TColor) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
ResourceLoad(TResType,string,TColor) | Loads an image from the specified resource. |
SaveToFile(string) | Saves all images and their settings to a file. |
SaveToStream(TStream) | Saves all images and their settings to a stream. |
SetDragImage(Integer,Integer,Integer) | Inherited from TDragImageList. |
SetParentComponent(TComponent) | Inherited from TComponent. |
SetSize(Integer,Integer) | Sets a new size of the stored images, in pixels. |
SetSize(TSize) | Sets a new size of the stored images, in pixels. |
SetSubComponent(Boolean) | Inherited from TComponent. |
ShowDragImage | Inherited from TDragImageList. |
SupportsPalette(Integer) | Identifies if the specified stored image supports palettes. |
ToString | Inherited from TObject. |
UnRegisterChanges(TChangeLink) | Inherited from TCustomImageList. |
UpdateAction(TBasicAction) | Inherited from TComponent. |
See Also