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TcxCustomImageList.AddBitmap(TBitmap,TBitmap,TColor,Boolean,Boolean) Method

Appends the specified bitmap and its transparency mask bitmap to the image list.


function AddBitmap(AImage: TBitmap; AMask: TBitmap; AMaskColor: TColor; AStretch: Boolean; ASmooth: Boolean): Integer;


Name Type Description
AImage TBitmap

A source image container.

AMask TBitmap

A transparency mask bitmap.

AMaskColor TColor

A transparency mask color.

AStretch Boolean

If True, the function upscales or downscales the image to fit the list dimensions. If False, divides the image into multiple images or truncates it as the Add function does.

ASmooth Boolean

If True, the function smooths the scaled image; otherwise, the function performs no additional operations on the image.


Type Description

The index of the image within a TBitmap container passed as the AImage parameter if the add operation is successful; otherwise, -1.


In addition to the specified bitmap, you can pass its transparency mask bitmap as the AMask parameter. If nil (in Delphi) or nullptr (in C++Builder) is passed as the AMask parameter, the AddBitmap function generates a transparency mask bitmap based on a color passed as the AMaskColor parameter.


The mask associated with the appended bitmap is ignored if the Masked property is set to False.

See Also