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TcxCustomImageList.GetImageInfo(TCustomImageList,Integer,TBitmap,TBitmap,IdxColorPalette) Method

Obtains the bitmap and transparency mask bitmap of the specified stored image.


class procedure GetImageInfo(AImages: TCustomImageList; AIndex: Integer; AImage: TBitmap; AMask: TBitmap; APalette: IdxColorPalette = nil); overload;


Name Type Description
AImages TCustomImageList

The source image list.

AIndex Integer

An index of the required image.

AImage TBitmap

Encapsulates a Windows bitmap (HBITMAP) and its palette (HPALETTE).

AMask TBitmap

Encapsulates a Windows bitmap (HBITMAP) and its palette (HPALETTE).

APalette IdxColorPalette

Exposes the functions that return stroke and fill colors by their names in the corresponding palettes.


This procedure copies the bitmaps to the image containers passed as the AImage and AMask parameters. If the image has no transparency mask bitmap, the procedure fills the AMask container with the clBlack color.


If you pass nil (in Delphi) or nullptr (in C++Builder) as the AImage and/or AMask parameter, the GetImageInfo procedure does not obtain the corresponding bitmap.

See Also