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TcxGridColumn Events

A column in an unbound grid Table View.
Name Description
OnCompareRowValuesForCellMerging Occurs when the values of two sequential cells in the column are compared to determine if these cells can be merged into a single cell.
OnCompareValuesForCellMerging Occurs when the values of two sequential cells in the column are compared to determine if these cells can be merged into a single cell.
OnCustomDrawCell Occurs every time a table or card cell is about to be drawn. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
OnCustomDrawFooterCell Occurs when a footer or group footer cell within the current column is about to be drawn.
OnCustomDrawGroupSummaryCell Fires each time a group summary (that belongs to the currently processed column) is about to be drawn in a group row.
OnCustomDrawHeader Occurs every time a column header is about to be drawn.
OnGetCellHint Occurs before the data item’s hint is shown when a user positions the mouse pointer over the item’s data cell. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
OnGetDataText Enables you to specify custom text for cells. The text specified is used for displaying, sorting and grouping purposes. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
OnGetDisplayText Occurs when an item value is displayed. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
OnGetFilterDisplayText Enables you to customize item captions displayed in the filter dropdown list. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
OnGetFilterImages Allows you to replace images displayed in the grid table item’s filter pop-up window. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
OnGetFilterValues Enables you to customize the View item’s filter dropdown list (add or remove specific list items). Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
OnGetProperties Allows you to change the active in-place editor and customize its settings depending on specific conditions. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
OnGetPropertiesForEdit Allows you to change the in-place editor and customize its settings when a user invokes it for a data cell in the table item. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
OnGetStoredProperties Occurs when the list of the current table item’s properties that will be stored in external storage is produced. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
OnGetStoredPropertyValue Occurs when values of the current table item’s properties are stored to external storage. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
OnHeaderClick Allows you to respond to clicks on the column header.
OnInitFilteringDateRanges Allows you to customize the item’s collection of filter date ranges. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
OnInitGroupingDateRanges Enables you to customize the item’s collection of grouping date ranges. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
OnSetStoredPropertyValue Occurs when values of the current table item’s properties are restored from external storage. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
OnUserFiltering Enables you to apply proper filter criteria when a custom created filter item (a fviUser filter value item) is selected from the View item’s filter dropdown. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
OnUserFilteringEx Enables you to apply proper filter criteria when a custom created filter item (a fviUserEx filter value item) is selected from the View item’s filter dropdown. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
OnValidateDrawValue Enables you to customize the manner in which validation errors are visualized in item cells. Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
PropertiesEvents Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
StylesEvents Inherited from TcxCustomGridTableItem.
See Also