TcxCustomGridTableItem.OnGetDataText Event
Enables you to specify custom text for cells. The text specified is used for displaying, sorting and grouping purposes.
property OnGetDataText: TcxGridGetDataTextEvent read; write;
Handle the OnGetDataText event to provide custom text for cells within a column or a Card View row. The cell whose text is to be set can be identified via the Sender and ARecordIndex parameters. The first parameter specifies the column/row where the cell is displayed while the second identifies the cell’s record index. These two parameters allow you to obtain the cell’s actual value.
To change the currently processed cell’s text, assign the desired string to the AText parameter. Note that this parameter initially holds the cell’s actual value.
Use the item’s Options.SortByDisplayText property to specify whether the display texts of its cells affect sorting.
the text specified by handling the On