TcxCustomGridTableItem.OnInitGroupingDateRanges Event
Enables you to customize the item’s collection of grouping date ranges.
property OnInitGroupingDateRanges: TcxGridInitDateRangesEvent read; write;
Once this event fires, the item’s collection of grouping date ranges is initialized with base grouping date ranges that are common to all View items. Use the View’s OnInitGroupingDateRanges event to customize the base collection. An item’s OnInitGroupingDateRanges event allows you to further adjust the item’s collection of grouping date ranges.
The Sender parameter references the item.
The ADateRanges parameter provides access to the item’s collection of grouping date ranges. You can access this collection via the item’s GroupingDateRanges property. You can use this parameter to add and remove built-in and custom date ranges. See the Adding Custom Filter and Grouping Date Ranges topic for an example of using this parameter.