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TcxCustomGridTableItem.OnGetStoredPropertyValue Event

In This Article

Occurs when values of the current table item’s properties are stored to external storage.


property OnGetStoredPropertyValue: TcxGridTableItemGetStoredPropertyValueEvent read; write;


Whenever you have customized the list of the properties to be stored to external storage on the OnGetStoredProperties event you should handle the OnGetStoredPropertyValue event to specify their values. These values will be saved in the resulting output.

The Sender parameter specifies the table item object whose properties will be stored.

The AName parameter denotes the name of the current table item’s property in the resulting output.

In order to store a specific value for the AName property, set the value to the AValue parameter.

As for the guiding principles on how to use this event, see the example on how to handle the TcxCustomGridView.OnGetStoredPropertyValue event.

See Also