TcxCustomGridTableView.OnFilterControlDialogShow Event
In This Article
Enables you to customize the Filter Builder dialog before showing it.
property OnFilterControlDialogShow: TNotifyEvent read; write;
The Sender parameter specifies the dialog’s form. Cast an object passed as this parameter to TfmFilterControlDialog defined in the cxFilterControlDialog unit to access the settings of the form and its controls. For example, you can use the Sender.FilterControl property to access the filter control that provides filter criteria customization.
The code example below shows how to handle the OnFilterControlDialogShow event to hide the dialog’s Open and Save As… buttons, change the dialog’s caption, and hide the filter control’s tree lines.
..., cxFilterControlDialog;
// ...
procedure <Form>.<View>FilterControlDialogShow(Sender: TObject);
frm: TfmFilterControlDialog;
frm := Sender as TfmFilterControlDialog;
frm.Caption := 'Filter Builder';
frm.btOpen.Visible := False;
frm.btSave.Visible := False;
frm.FilterControl.ShowLevelLines := False;
See Also