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TcxGridDateTimeGrouping Type

Enumerates date/time grouping options for items (columns and card rows) that display date/time values.


TcxGridDateTimeGrouping = dxDateRanges.TdxDateTimeGrouping;

Referenced Class



These options determine time periods to be used in group rows as grouping values. A grouping value is created for an item, provided that there’s at least one item value that falls into the corresponding time period.

Time periods used as grouping values include:

  • Time periods relative to the current date and derived from item values using date ranges (such as yesterday, tomorrow, next month, etc.)

  • Absolute time periods derived from item values using date ranges (such as calendar days, months, and years).

  • Absolute time periods derived from the date and time parts of item values using date ranges (such as the date part of date/time values, hours, etc.)

For the last two types of time periods, the corresponding date range is added to an item’s GroupingDateRanges collection.

To specify date/time grouping options, use the View’s DateTimeHandling.Grouping property.

All available date/time grouping options are listed in the following table.


Date Range Used



As specified by the View’s DateTimeHandling.Grouping property.

Indicates that an item’s date/time grouping options are specified by the View’s DateTimeHandling.Grouping property.

The dtgDefault option is relevant for an item’s grouping options only. Setting the View’s DateTimeHandling.Grouping property to dtgDefault automatically assigns dtgByDateAndTime to this property.


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Grouping values represent individual item values. Both the date and time parts of item values are taken into account.


  • One-day date ranges:

TcxGridYesterdayRange, TcxGridTodayRange, TcxGridTomorrowRange.

  • One-week date ranges:

TcxGridLastWeekRange, TcxGridThisWeekRange, TcxGridNextWeekRange.

  • One-month date ranges:

TcxGridLastMonthRange, TcxGridThisMonthRange, TcxGridNextMonthRange.

  • One-year date ranges:

TcxGridLastYearRange, TcxGridThisYearRange, TcxGridNextYearRange.

Grouping values represent time periods relative to the current date derived from item values using the following date ranges:

  • one-day date ranges:

  • Yesterday,

  • Today,

  • Tomorrow;

  • one-week date ranges:

  • Last week,

  • This week,

  • Next week;

  • one-month date ranges:

  • Last month,

  • This month,

  • Next month;

  • one-year date ranges:

  • Last year,

  • This year,

  • Next year.



Grouping values represent individual hours derived from item values. The date part of item values is ignored.

Use the View’s DateTimeHandling.HourFormat property to customize the appearance of these grouping values in group rows.


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Grouping values represent unique dates derived from item values. The time part of item values is ignored.

Use the View’s DateTimeHandling.DateFormat property to customize the appearance of these grouping values in group rows.



Grouping values represent individual months derived from item values. Note that the year part is also taken into account.

Use the View’s DateTimeHandling.MonthFormat property to customize the appearance of these grouping values in group rows.



Grouping values represent individual years derived from item values.

Use the View’s DateTimeHandling.YearFormat property to customize the appearance of these grouping values in group rows.

See Also