TcxCustomGridTableView.OnCanFocusRecord Event
In This Article
Allows you to prevent a record from being focused.
property OnCanFocusRecord: TcxGridAllowRecordOperationEvent read; write;
Handle the OnCanFocusRecord
event to prevent a specific record from being focused under specific conditions. The Sender
parameter provides access to the grid View that raised the event, and the ARecord
parameter identifies the record that is about to be focused. To focus the record, set the AAllow
parameter to True
. Otherwise, the record will not be focused and as a result, not selected also.
The following example prvents focus navigation to a record if its tvItemsSTATUS field has the 'Fixed'
string value. The value displayed by the data item is determined by the indexed DisplayTexts property.
procedure TForm1.tvItemsCanFocusRecord(Sender: TcxCustomGridTableView; ARecord: TcxCustomGridRecord; var AAllow: Boolean);
if ARecord.DisplayTexts[tvItemsSTATUS.Index] = 'Fixed' then
AAllow := False;
See Also