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TcxCustomGridTableView.OnInitEdit Event

Enables you to customize an in-place cell editor.


property OnInitEdit: TcxGridInitEditEvent read; write;


This event occurs every time an in-place editor is about to open. Handle this event to customize the editor opened for a grid View cell. To prevent activation of an in-place cell editor under specific conditions, handle the OnEditing event instead.

The Sender parameter provides access to the grid View that raised the OnInitEdit event.

The AItem parameter returns a grid item whose cell is being edited.

The AEdit parameter provides access to the activated cell editor. Cast the parameter value to the corresponding editor class to access all editor-specific class members. You can use the grid View’s Controller.EditingController.Edit property to access an in-place cell editor when it is active.

The following code example shows the pop-up window of an in-place drop-down editor every time it is invoked.

procedure TMyForm.cxGridTableView1InitEdit(Sender: TcxCustomGridTableView; AItem: TcxCustomGridTableItem; AEdit: TcxCustomEdit);
  if AEdit is TcxCustomDropDownEdit then  // Checks if an in-place cell editor is a drop-down editor
    TcxCustomDropDownEdit(AEdit).DroppedDown := True;  // Opens the drop-down editor's pop-up window


If you need to show different in-place editors for different records in the same grid item, handle the item’s OnGetProperties event. To initialize the activated in-place cell editor’s value, handle the OnInitEditValue event.

See Also