TcxCustomGridTableView.OnEditKeyPress Event
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Occurs when an alphanumeric key is pressed to change a cell editor‘s value.
property OnEditKeyPress: TcxGridEditKeyPressEvent read; write;
This event fires before the OnEditChanged event is generated, and enables you to perform specific actions before an ASCII character that corresponds to the pressed key is passed to a cell editor.
The Sender parameter references the View.
The AItem parameter identifies the grid item whose value is about to be edited.
The AEdit parameter references a cell editor.
The Key parameter specifies the ASCII character of the pressed key. You can replace it with a custom character to remap keys “on the fly”. The following code snippet demonstrates how this can be accomplished for the ‘&‘ (ampersand) key in text editors.
procedure TMyForm.tvEditKeyPress(Sender: TcxCustomGridTableView; AItem: TcxCustomGridTableItem; AEdit: TcxCustomEdit; var Key: Char);
if(AEdit is TcxTextEdit) and (Key = '&') then
Key := '+';
See Also